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Your shop for frequency therapy Devices and accessories

Discover the world of frequency therapy with our state-of-the-art devices and extensive range of accessories. Our shop offers a diverse selection of products that have been specially developed to promote well-being and support the body's natural balance. Frequency therapy uses the power of vibrations to harmonise body and mind, reduce stress and increase vitality.

Every device in our range is characterised by precision, user-friendliness and state-of-the-art technology. Whether you are an experienced user or new to this field, you will find the right product to suit your individual needs. Our range is complemented by high-quality accessories that optimally round off the application and intensify the therapy experience.

With a clear focus on quality and innovation, our shop sets new standards in frequency therapy. Discover the possibilities and experience how easy it can be to increase your personal well-being. Immerse yourself in the world of frequency therapy and find the perfect solution for a more harmonious life.

What is frequency therapy and how does it work?

Frequency therapy is an alternative medical procedure based on the use of specific electromagnetic frequencies to treat various health complaints. The basic assumption of frequency therapy is that every cell and every organ in the body has its own characteristic oscillation frequency. These natural frequencies can be disturbed by illness or other influences. Frequency therapy aims to harmonise these disturbed frequencies and activate the body's self-healing powers.

Different methods of frequency therapy:

There are various methods of frequency therapy, which differ in the type of frequency application and the devices used. The best-known methods include:

  • Electrotherapy:
    Here, weak electrical currents with specific frequencies are transferred to the skin via electrodes.
  • Magnetic field therapy:
    This method uses pulsating magnetic fields that act on the body.
  • Light therapy:
    Special light sources, such as lasers, generate light waves of specific frequencies that are used therapeutically.
  • Sound therapy:
    Ultrasound waves are used to treat pain and inflammation.

How does frequency therapy work in detail?

The exact mode of action of frequency therapy has not yet been fully clarified scientifically. However, there are various theories that attempt to explain the observed effects:

  • Resonance principle:
    Similar to a musical instrument that is made to vibrate by a certain frequency, the therapeutic frequencies are intended to harmonise the disturbed vibrations in the body.
  • Cell communication:
    It is assumed that the frequencies influence the communication between the cells and thus support the self-healing processes in the body.
  • Energy supply:
    The applied frequencies could supply the cells with energy and thus improve their function.

Areas of application of frequency therapy:

Frequency therapy is used for a variety of complaints, including:

  • Pain: e.g. back pain, headaches, joint pain
  • Inflammation: e.g. arthritis, rheumatism
  • Wounds: To promote wound healing
  • Stress and sleep disorders: To relax and improve the quality of sleep
  • Allergies and intolerances: To alleviate the symptoms

Is frequency therapy scientifically recognised?

The scientific evidence for the effectiveness of frequency therapy varies depending on the area of application. While there are promising study results for some areas, further research is needed to provide comprehensive evidence of the mechanisms of action and therapeutic benefits of frequency therapy. It is important to consult with a qualified therapist or doctor if you are interested in frequency therapy.

This article is for information purposes only and does not replace medical advice. You should always consult a doctor or alternative practitioner if you have any health complaints.

Frequency therapy - Zapper

Discover the world of frequency therapy with the best zappers on the market. These innovative devices open up new horizons in personal well-being and offer exceptional support in daily life. Developed with the latest technology, the zappers enable the targeted application of a wide range of frequencies that can be customised to individual needs.

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"Frequency therapy - Zapper"

Frequency therapy - plasma generator

Discover the transformative power of plasma devices in frequency therapy - the innovation for well-being at the highest level. These advanced devices are designed to promote inner balance and support the body's natural regeneration through targeted frequency therapies.

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"Frequency therapy - plasma generator"

Frequency therapy - Frequency databases

Discover the power of one of the largest frequency databases in the world, the result of years of intensive research. This extensive collection provides access to a wide range of frequencies specifically tuned to optimise a variety of applications. Whether for scientific projects, technological innovation or personal development, this frequency database is the key to new possibilities. Benefit from the expertise and precision that has gone into each frequency and take your projects to the next level. Maximise efficiency and success with a tool that impresses with its comprehensive data and reliable results.

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"Frequency therapy - frequency lists"

Frequency Therapy - Academy

Discover the fascinating world of frequency therapy with the Frequency Therapy Academy! Here, state-of-the-art science and holistic well-being merge into a unique learning experience. The Frequency Therapy Academy offers comprehensive training and valuable insights into the application and effects of frequency therapy techniques. Our courses are designed to impart in-depth knowledge that inspires both beginners and experienced users.

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Academy for Frequency Therapy

Frequency therapy - NLS - Nutrition

Discover the power of frequency therapy with our high quality nutritional supplement. This unique formula has been carefully developed to optimally support the body and promote overall well-being. By combining selected ingredients, this product enables a harmonious balance that naturally contributes to frequency therapy.

Modern lifestyles can challenge the body's own balance. This is where our dietary supplement comes in, specifically targeting to gently support the body and restore individual balance. In this way, well-being can be increased in a pleasant way.

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"NLS - Nutritons"

Frequency therapy - electrosmog

Experience a new dimension of well-being with our highly effective e-smog devices. In a world where electronic devices are omnipresent, it is becoming increasingly important to protect yourself from the invisible effects of electromagnetic radiation. Our e-smog devices are specially developed to minimise precisely this exposure and create a harmonious environment.

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"E-smog protection"

New in the range

User Pack 160 Medical
Lieferumfang:2 Stk. Konverter für ca. 160 Standard-Anwen­dungen (à 30 Min.)200 Stk. Plastikschutzhüllen 2 Liter Flüssig­­reiniger für Konverter 500 g CLUSTER-Ausleitungssalz 100 Stk. Patienteninformationen
Body Detox® Plus
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Body Detox® Medical
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Therapeutenprofil Premium
Therapeutenprofil Premium Wollen Sie Ihr Wissen als Heilpraktiker, Arzt, Therapeut oder Energetiker sichtbar machen und neue Klienten für Sie gewinnen? Entdecken Sie die Internetpräsenz von F-Media Consulting auf – Ihr Schlüssel zu einem breiteren Publikum! Warum "Therapeutenprofil Premium"? Präsentieren Sie Ihre Angebote effektiv. Werden Sie Teil eines führenden Verzeichnisses. Stärken Sie Ihr Ansehen als Fachkraft. Schließen Sie sich einem Verbund an, der Ihre Präsenz und Kompetenz eindrucksvoll hervorhebt!Das Leistungspaket umfaßt: 360 Tage Sichtbarkeit durch eine Expertenlistung auf persönliche Profilseite, die Ihre Qualifikationen und Angebote optimal darstellt.Prominente Vorstellung in unserem Experten-Newsletter sowie auf unseren Social-Media-Kanälen (Facebook & Instagram).Veröffentlichung von 2 Fachartikeln, um Ihre Kompetenz hervorzuheben.Reichweitenstarke Ausspielung über 12 Monate.

Latest publications by Herbert Eder on frequency therapy

Discover the world of frequency therapy with Herbert Eder's groundbreaking publications. With over 600 carefully researched and comprehensively documented publications, this fund offers deep insights into the fascinating possibilities of frequency therapy. Whether to promote well-being or to support various therapeutic approaches, Herbert Eder's findings are a must for anyone who wants to explore innovative health solutions. Immerse yourself in the knowledge and expertise contained in these publications and experience how frequency therapy has the potential to positively impact lives. Read more here and be inspired!


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Unsere Unterstützung gilt dem neu entstandenen Netzwerk Frequenz-Therapeut

Hier finden Sie in Ihrer Umgebung Frequenzen-Therapeuten  und können nach Beruf und Geräteausstattung filtern. 

Als Therapeut haben Sie die exklusive Option, von Ratsuchenden aufgefunden zu werden.