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Breast Cancer - Breast Carcinoma | NLS Set
the world of frequency therapy for breast cancer: advantages and disadvantages"
Welcome, dear readers, to a topic that is close to many
hearts and at the same time raises questions: breast cancer and the options
for its treatment. In this comprehensive blog post, we will take an in-depth
look at breast cancer, what it means, how it manifests itself and
what diagnostic procedures are available. We will also shed light on an
innovative treatment method - frequency therapy. We will take a detailed look at how it
works, its advantages and possible disadvantages. Our
aim is to provide you with a deep understanding and possibly new
perspectives. Take a moment to join us
on this informative journey and perhaps gain new insights into
that may be relevant to you or your loved ones.
What is breast cancer?
Breast cancer, also known medically as mammary carcinoma, is one of the most common
cancers that can affect women worldwide. It is a
malignant tumour that develops in the cells of the mammary gland. The cancer can
originate in both the milk ducts and the mammary gland lobules
, with the two main types being classified as ductal and lobular.
The exact causes of breast cancer are varied and not fully understood,
but genetic factors, lifestyle, hormonal influences and
environmental factors all play a role. Women are affected more frequently than men, which
can be attributed to the larger amount of mammary gland tissue and the effect of
female hormones. Research has made significant progress in the last few decades
so that various therapeutic approaches and
individualised treatment are now possible.
Symptoms and diagnosis
The symptoms of breast cancer can be varied and vary from person to
person. Common signs include lumps or indurations in the breast,
changes in the skin such as retractions or redness, changes in the
nipple, nipple discharge and changes in the size or
asymmetry of the breasts. It is important to emphasise that these symptoms do not
necessarily indicate breast cancer, but do require a medical examination
. Breast cancer is usually diagnosed using a
combination of imaging techniques such as mammography, ultrasound or
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), supplemented by tissue sampling (biopsy),
in which cells are removed from suspicious areas and examined microscopically
. Early detection plays a crucial role, as it can significantly improve the
chances of treatment.
What is frequency therapy?
Frequency therapy is a form of treatment based on the assumption
that every cell, every organ and every organism has a specific
electromagnetic frequency. This form of therapy uses
electromagnetic fields or oscillations to promote health and treat
diseases. The idea behind it is that by applying
frequencies that correspond to the body's natural frequencies or modulate them
, a kind of resonance effect is achieved that can improve cell function
and contribute to healing. Frequency therapy is used in various
areas of medicine, from pain relief to promoting
wound healing and supporting chronic illnesses. It
is seen as both a complementary and alternative treatment method
How does frequency therapy work for breast cancer?
The use of frequency therapy in the context of breast cancer is specifically
aimed at influencing the diseased cells without damaging healthy
tissue. The theory is that cancer cells have a different frequency than healthy
cells due to their
altered metabolic activity. By applying frequencies that are tuned to these deviating
frequencies, it should be possible to weaken
or destroy the cancer cells. This form of therapy can be used as a complementary measure to
conventional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy
in order to increase their effectiveness and reduce side effects. It
is a relatively new field of research, and although initial studies
appear promising, frequency therapy for breast cancer is not yet
fully researched and established.
Benefits of frequency therapy
Frequency therapy offers several potential benefits that may make it attractive to patients
. One of the main advantages is the non-invasiveness of the
method, which means that it can be applied without surgical procedures or the insertion
of instruments into the body. This minimises the
risk of infection and other complications. In addition,
frequency therapy is usually painless and can lead to
an improvement in general well-being in some patients. It can also help
to alleviate side effects of standard therapies such as fatigue, nausea and
pain. Another advantage is the ability to customise the therapy
as the frequencies can be modified as required
. All of this makes frequency therapy a potentially valuable
addition in the fight against breast cancer.
Disadvantages of frequency therapy
Despite the advantages mentioned, there are also disadvantages and limitations to
frequency therapy that must be taken into account. One of the biggest disadvantages
is the lack of comprehensive clinical studies confirming the efficacy and
safety of this form of therapy for breast cancer. This leads to
uncertainty and scepticism among both doctors and patients. In addition,
frequency therapy is not reimbursed by most health insurance companies, which can lead to
high costs for those affected. Another point is that
frequency therapy may not be suitable for all patients and there may be
undesirable interactions with other treatments. It is also
important to find a qualified and experienced therapist, as
improper use of frequency therapy can lead to negative effects
In conclusion, breast cancer is a serious disease that
requires early diagnosis and a carefully considered
treatment strategy. Frequency therapy offers interesting
approaches and could be a valuable addition to established
treatment methods in the future. However, it is important that further research
is carried out to fully understand its efficacy and safety and to validate
it. Patients interested in frequency therapy
should seek detailed advice and only undertake the therapy under the supervision
of a qualified professional. We hope that this blog post
has given you deep insights into the topic of breast cancer and frequency therapy
and that you are now better informed to make decisions for your health
. Stay healthy and take your health care seriously -
it is the most valuable asset we have.
What are NLS frequency sets:NLS frequency sets are based on international frequency research and contain a total of over 40,000 frequency programmes.Based on experience, alternative (in addition to conventional medicine) and proven therapy plans in frequency therapy are made available for download as Excel or PDF files.What are our sets based on?NLS frequency sets are based on
international frequency research and integrate frequency lists from the following sources in the respective
Rife: are the
original frequencies of Dr Royal Raymond Rife
CAFL: is the list of
"Consolidated Annotated Frequencies" (Consolidated Annotated
Frequencies) based on years of published studies and
experiments from around the world. These frequencies have been extensively
tested and very often used in therapeutic systems of all kinds (devices
for magnetic field therapy, electrotherapies, bioresonance, etc.).
ETDFL: The Electro Therapy
Device Frequency List is an extensive list of frequencies obtained with a
well-known bioresonance device called Quantum CSIO. The most important
aspect of the EDTFLs is that they contain frequency programmes that attempt to
provide an answer to little known and widespread health problems
KHZ: is a collection of
frequency programmes that, like the ETDFL, start at a few tens of Hz and end at
a few hundred kHz. ,
BIOM: is the abbreviation for the
frequency programmes used by Biomedis devices. These are
normal low frequencies that can be regarded as a further development of the CAFLs
RL: is a collection of
frequencies developed by Dr Richard Loyd.
PROV: has produced consistent
results in almost all
subjects on whom it has been used
BIO: are research-based
Russian frequencies, very valid
VEGA: are research-based
Russian frequencies, very valid
XTRA: are programmes
of different origin, selected for their reputation and effectiveness
ALT: consists of programmes,
based on the knowledge and practice of Ayurvedic, Solfeggio and
planetary frequencies
HC: is the database of Dr
Hulda Clark. When using these frequency sets, the
frequency generator should be set with a positive offset of 100%, a square wave and
an amplitude of 9.5 volts.
CUST: these are new
frequencies of different nature and origin
Some of the statements made here and the products listed
are based on medical findings that are not recognised by conventional medicine
. The statements made on indications and
effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace
any treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
2 Handelektroden
Hand electrodes
The hand electrodes enable the transmission of frequencies to the body Suitable for: All VitaZapper Technical data: Length: 10 cm Connection: 4mm Material:
food-safe Stainless steel Scope of delivery: 2 x hand electrodes
Further: Matching adapters Matching connection cables
ABC der NLS-Systeme
Operating NLS systems and interpreting results.
A learning book in German in which probably every function of the device and software is described in detail.
With many critical comments and helpful practical tips.
With a separate chapter for those interested in buying a device!
A learning book for users of NLS systems like OBERON®, Metavital®, Metatron®, Eta-/ Delta-/ Meta-/...scan, Biolaz, Bioplasm, Introspect, NILISA, Physiospect, 7D/9D-LIris, WellAnalyse® and similar...
The book is in DIN A4 format, with thread stitching and a hard cover. There are over one hundred pages of text content and about 260 illustrations. This is roughly equivalent to a book with 500 pages in DIN A5 format.
ABC of NLS Systems (english)
Operating NLS systems and interpreting results.
A learning book in English, in which probably every function of the device and software is described in detail.
With many critical comments and helpful practical tips.
With a separate chapter for those interested in buying a device!
A learning book for users of NLS systems such as OBERON®, Metavital®, Metatron®, Eta-/ Delta-/ Meta-/...scan, Biolaz, Bioplasm, Introspect, NILISA, Physiospect, 7D/9D-LIris, WellAnalyse® and similar...
The book is in DIN A4 format, with thread stitching and a hard cover. There are over one hundred pages of text content and around 260 illustrations. This corresponds roughly to a book with 500 pages in DIN A5 format.
Abdominal cramps possibly with nausea
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Abdominal discomfort
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the guidelines of Dr. Hulda Clark.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Abdominal discomfort
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the guidelines of Dr. Hulda Clark.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Abdominal inflammation
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Abdominal pain
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the guidelines of Dr. Hulda Clark.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Abdominal pain
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Abdominal pain
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
"Healing Sounds" is a product of years of research and development and offers you the results of Dr. Royal Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark in audio quality.
You do not need headphones for this, we have deliberately omitted binaural beats so that you can also play these sounds on mobile devices.
This article is a download article and is available to you immediately after payment.
Notes on the download
After paying for the article, you will find the submenu item "Article Download" under "My Account". Here you can download all digital articles.
"Successfully treating abscesses
with frequency therapy - your treatment options explained
Welcome, dear readers, to a comprehensive insight
into the world of abscesses. In this article, we address a topic that
is common, but still raises many questions. An abscess
is a condition that can affect anyone and it is important to be well informed
in order to be able to act correctly if it occurs. We will
not only look at what exactly an abscess is, but also examine the
symptoms, causes and treatment options in detail. We will pay particular
attention to frequency therapy, an innovative
method that is used in the treatment of abscesses. Let's delve into the subject together at
and find out everything you need to know about
is an abscess?
An abscess is an accumulation of pus that forms within the tissue of the
body. This inflammatory reaction is a defence measure of the
immune system against an infection caused by bacteria, viruses or foreign bodies
. It is an encapsulated accumulation of pus, which
becomes noticeable through a clear swelling and a reddish colouring of the affected
area. The consistency of an abscess can vary from soft to hard
and it can occur both on the surface of the skin and in deeper
layers of tissue. Abscesses can occur in various
parts of the body, including the gums, armpits, breast tissue
and internal organs. The size of an abscess can vary greatly, ranging
from barely visible to large, painful swellings that require
immediate medical attention.
Symptoms of an abscess
The symptoms of an abscess can vary depending on its location and size
. Typically, an abscess begins with localised redness and a
painful swelling. The affected area often feels warm and may
hurt when touched or pressed. Over time, the swelling
may harden and a visible yellow or white dot may form in the
centre, indicating an accumulation of pus. In some cases,
general symptoms such as fever, malaise or an elevated
body temperature may also occur, indicating a systemic reaction of the body to
the infection. With internal abscesses, the symptoms are often less
obvious and may include abdominal pain, nausea or other non-specific
complaints that require a more detailed medical examination.
Causes of an abscess
The causes for the development of an abscess are manifold. Often
the cause is a bacterial infection that enters the body through small injuries to the
skin or mucous membrane. Staphylococci and streptococci
, for example, are bacteria that are often associated with abscesses
. Poor hygiene can also increase the risk of developing an
abscess, as it favours the colonisation and multiplication of bacteria
. Other risk factors can be a weakened immune system,
chronic diseases such as diabetes, or the use of contaminated
syringes for drug use. In addition, foreign bodies that penetrate the skin
or blocked sebaceous and sweat glands can lead to the formation of an abscess
Treatment options
The treatment of an abscess depends on its size, location and the severity of the
infection. Smaller abscesses can sometimes heal on their own as the body's
immune system fights the infection. In many cases, however,
medical treatment is required. This may include taking
antibiotics to fight the underlying bacterial infection
. For larger abscesses or those that do not respond to antibiotics
, surgical removal may be necessary. This involves opening the
abscess under local or general anaesthetic and removing the pus
to allow it to heal. Once the abscess has been drained,
it is important to care for the wound properly to prevent re-infection
Frequency therapy as a treatment method
In addition to the classic treatment methods, frequency therapy
is becoming increasingly important in the treatment of abscesses. This alternative
healing method is based on the assumption that every cell in the body has a specific
frequency and that the body's self-healing powers can be stimulated
through the application of electromagnetic waves
of certain frequencies. Frequency therapy is often used as a complementary measure to
conventional treatments and can help to alleviate pain
, reduce inflammation and accelerate healing. Although
frequency therapy shows promising results, it is important to perform it
under the supervision of a qualified professional and not to see it
as a substitute for traditional medical treatments.
How does frequency therapy work for an abscess?
Frequency therapy for an abscess aims to support the body's natural
healing processes. By applying specific
frequencies that are customised to the affected area of the body, the aim is to promote
blood circulation and stimulate the immune system. This can help
to reduce the formation of pus and accelerate the absorption of
inflammatory products. In addition,
frequency therapy can help to reduce pain and modulate the general inflammatory response
. However, it is important to emphasise that frequency therapy in
is generally used as an adjunct to other treatment methods and requires a
precise diagnosis and an individually tailored treatment plan
In conclusion, although abscesses can be an unpleasant experience
, there are a variety of treatment options available to combat them
effectively. From antibiotics and surgical interventions to
alternative methods such as frequency therapy - there are various ways for those affected
to alleviate the symptoms and promote healing
. It is important not to hesitate to seek medical advice at
if there are any signs of an abscess and to seek the appropriate treatment at
. With the right approach and the support of
professionals, an abscess can be successfully treated so that
sufferers can quickly return to their normal lives. We
hope that this article has given you an in-depth insight into the topic of abscesses
and that you are now well informed and prepared should this
situation arise. Stay healthy and pay attention to the signals from your
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the specifications of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not constitute a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by conventional medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here, do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
"Healing Sounds" is a product of years of research and development and offers you the results of Dr. Royal Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark in audio quality.
You do not need headphones for this, we have deliberately omitted binaural beats so that you can also play these sounds on mobile devices.
This article is a download article and is available to you immediately after payment.
Notes on the download
After paying for the article, you will find the submenu item "Article Download" under "My Account". Here you can download all digital articles.
How frequency therapy can help you"
Welcome, dear readers, to today's blog post,
, which is dedicated to a topic that can be of great importance to many of us
. It's about acarodermatitis, a skin condition that can be not only
unpleasant but also distressing for those affected. In this
article, we will take an in-depth look at this condition, its
causes and symptoms, discuss the diagnosis and treatment options
and provide an exciting insight into the world of frequency therapy.
Our aim is to give you a comprehensive understanding and show you
possible ways of dealing with this challenge.
Immerse yourself with us in the world of dermatology and discover new perspectives
and solutions.
What is acarodermatitis?
Acarodermatitis is a skin reaction caused by contact with certain
types of mites. This condition is also known as
scabies mite dermatitis and can affect people of all ages. The
skin reacts to the presence of mites with inflammation, redness and often
severe itching. The mites that trigger this reaction are microscopically
small and cannot be seen with the naked eye. They feed
on skin flakes and favour warm, moist environments, which makes them a
common problem in living spaces and beds. Acarodermatitis is not
only problematic because of its symptoms, but also because it is often associated with a
social stigma, which can be an additional burden for those affected.
Causes and symptoms
The causes of acarodermatitis are varied, but the focus is
always on contact with the mites. These can be transmitted through direct skin contact with
infected persons or animals, but also indirectly through contaminated
objects such as bed linen, clothing or furniture. The symptoms
are usually manifested by severe itching, which can be particularly
intense at night, as the mites are more active in the dark. In addition,
inflammatory skin changes such as papules, pustules or wheals
can form. If the disease persists for a longer period of time, it can lead to scratch marks,
skin thickening and secondary infections. The symptoms can significantly impair the
quality of life of those affected and therefore require
rapid and effective treatment.
Diagnosis and treatment
The diagnosis of acarodermatitis is usually based on a physical
examination and the patient's medical history. The dermatologist looks for
typical skin changes and may take a skin swab to identify the
mites or their eggs under the microscope. In some cases
a skin biopsy may also be necessary to rule out other skin diseases
. Treatment of acarodermatitis usually involves the application
of topical acaricides, which are active ingredients that specifically kill mites.
In addition, anti-inflammatory and antipruritic medication
may be prescribed. It is also important to treat the affected person's environment
to prevent re-infection. This includes
thoroughly washing clothes and bed linen and cleaning furniture
and carpets.
How can frequency therapy help?
Frequency therapy is an alternative treatment method based on the
application of electromagnetic waves of different frequencies.
It is often used as a complementary measure in the treatment of acarodermatitis
. The idea behind this is that certain frequencies can influence the
physiological processes in the body and thus contribute to healing
. In the case of acarodermatitis, frequency therapy could help to alleviate
itching, reduce inflammatory reactions and promote
skin regeneration. Although the scientific evidence for the
effectiveness of frequency therapy is still limited, many sufferers
report an improvement in their symptoms and an increased sense of well-being.
Mechanism of action of frequency therapy
The exact mechanism of action of frequency therapy is not yet fully
understood, but there are various theories as to how it could contribute to healing
. One assumption is that the electromagnetic waves can improve
cell communication and function by influencing the ion channels
of the cell membranes. This could lead to a better supply of nutrients and oxygen to the
cells and thus support the healing processes
. Another theory states that the frequencies modulate the vegetative
nervous system and can thus achieve anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving
effects. Frequency therapy could therefore act on a cellular and
systemic level and thus represent a holistic approach in the
treatment of acarodermatitis.
How is frequency therapy applied?
Frequency therapy is usually applied using specialised
devices that emit electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies. These
devices can be used by therapists in a practice or at home
, whereby expert guidance is important. Frequency therapy is
often carried out in several sessions, the duration and frequency of which can be customised
. During treatment, the patient may feel slight
vibrations or heat on the skin, which is perceived as pleasant. It
is important that frequency therapy is considered as part of a comprehensive
treatment plan that also includes other therapeutic measures and
any necessary medication.
In conclusion, acarodermatitis is a serious
skin disease that requires early and targeted treatment. In this context,
frequency therapy offers an interesting and promising
approach that can complement traditional medical treatment. However, it is important
that those affected seek advice from a dermatologist and carefully consider all
treatment options. Frequency therapy should not be seen as a
panacea, but as part of a holistic
approach tailored to the patient's individual needs.
We hope that this article has given you a deep insight into the world of
acarodermatitis and frequency therapy and that you are now better informed
and prepared to tackle this challenge. Stay healthy
and take care of your skin!
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the specifications of Dr Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not constitute a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by conventional medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here, do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Acarus siro
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the guidelines of Dr. Hulda Clark.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Accelerated heartbeat
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
"Healing Sounds" is a product of years of research and development and offers you the results of Dr. Royal Rife and Dr. Hulda Clark in audio quality.
You do not need headphones for this, we have deliberately omitted binaural beats so that you can also play these sounds on mobile devices.
This article is a download article and is available to you immediately after payment.
Notes on the download
After paying for the article, you will find the submenu item "Article Download" under "My Account". Here you can download all digital articles.
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Acinetobacter baumanii
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the DNA list
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the instructions of Dr. Royal Raymond Rife.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.
Acne rosacea
Frequency programme with the assigned frequencies from the CAFL list
The programme was created according to the guidelines of Dr. Hulda Clark.
Legal notice:
The purchase of the frequency programme, as well as the respective zapper devices, serves as support, but cannot replace medical advice, diagnosis or treatment by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists and does not represent a healing statement.
Delivery of the frequencies on chip with shipping costs for:
Biowave Zapper
Diamond Shield Zapper
Delivery of the frequencies as a file without shipping costs for:
Bio Zapper
Biotrohn Zapper
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma Generator RPZ 15 or 14
Delivery of the frequencies to the Healy Cloud without shipping costs:
After receiving the invoice, please send us the therapist TAN, then the frequency list will be transferred to your device via the Healy Cloud.
Please note that Healy is a medical device in the European Union for the treatment of pain in chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and associated sleep disorders.
All other applications of the Healy are not recognised by orthodox medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of orthodox medicine.
Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by orthodox medicine. The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.