- Frequency systems
- NLS systems
- Tumours benign (benign)
- Tumour malignant (malignant)
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- Topics Electrosmog
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Vivobase Car
Inside the car, all occupants are exposed to electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, Bluetooth, GPS, heated seats and other sources of radiation without protection. Due to the effect of the Faraday cage, the radiation is additionally reflected and multiplied. For drivers/occupants of electric cars, there is additional exposure to electrosmog from the electric motor.
Even low levels of exposure could lead to headaches and concentration problems, which is a safety risk, especially on long journeys. VIVOBASE CAR protects during every journey by activating a natural protective shield and ensures that all occupants arrive more refreshed and safer. The effectiveness of Vivobase has been proven in scientific studies.
VIVOBASE CAR can be operated via a USB interface or the cigarette lighter. If desired, mounting on the dashboard is possible by means of a bracket.
Vivobase Home
Protection from electrosmog and mobile phone radiation for your home
Application in houses and apartments
Approx. 30 m effective radius through walls and ceilings
Available as plug
Size approx. Ø 110 mm, weight 75 g
Exposure to electromagnetic radiation is also increasing rapidly within our own four walls. The use of mobile phones, laptops and tablets has become part of everyday life. In addition to mobile phone radiation, there is also WLAN radiation and radiation from Bluetooth and DECT telephones. Many children and young people are permanently online and the latest devices are at the top of their wish list. Through the use of baby monitors, even newborns are exposed to increased levels of electrosmog.
New 'SMART Home' solutions for private households contribute to increased electrosmog. Networked and remote-controlled devices and installations are supposed to provide more security and efficient energy use, thus improving the quality of living and life. Radiation from our neighbours' WLAN routers or the ever-growing number of radio masts to ensure optimum network coverage are exacerbating the problem. This danger does not even stop at bedrooms.
Unlike commercially available mains disconnectors - which cut off the entire power supply - VIVOBASE HOME protects the body from electrosmog by activating a natural protective shield without having to forego the benefits of modern technology. In addition, the body is protected from radiation generated outside the home, such as electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts or the neighbour's WLAN. Especially for electrosensitive people, VIVOBASE products are a real relief in everyday life. For all others, they serve as a health precaution.
The effectiveness of VIVOBASE has been proven in scientific studies. The VIVOBASE HOME is available as a plug, as a theft-proof surface-mounted device and for installation in the switch cabinet.
VivoBase mobile in different colours
Protection from electrosmog and mobile phone radiation when on the move
Use on the body and in the office
Approx. 1.5 m effective radius
Lithium-ion battery
Available in different colours
Size approx. 71x18x7 mm, weight 30 g
Whether we are shopping, going out with friends or just sitting in a café - in all these places today we are exposed to artificial electromagnetic radiation from various sources. Mobile phone radiation, WLAN radiation, Bluetooth, to name but a few, affect our bodies all day long. In addition, more and more mobile phone masts are being erected to ensure uninterrupted accessibility. Exposure to electrosmog is increasing more and more.
That the rapidly increasing exposure to unnatural electrosmog can have negative effects becomes clear when one knows that the life of humans, animals and plants is controlled by natural electromagnetic fields. While electrosensitive people react particularly to the rapidly increasing exposure, more and more people are concerned about harmful effects on their health and feel unwell.
By activating a natural protective shield, VIVOBASE MOBILE offers protection from electrosmog while on the move, anywhere. The effectiveness of Vivobase has been proven in scientific studies.
VIVOBASE MOBILE is easy to use and can be carried comfortably in a trouser pocket or handbag. It has a lithium-ion battery and can be charged via a mini-USB interface. Depending on your preference, you can get it in pink, yellow, grey, black, blue and green.