- Frequency systems
- Tumours benign (benign)
- Tumour malignant (malignant)
- Polyps
- Cysts
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Dermatology and frequencies
- Gynaecology and frequencies
- Diseases and frequencies
- Neoplasia and frequency therapy
- Pathogens and frequency therapy
- Esotericism and frequency therapy
- Hydrogen - frequency therapy
- Topics Electrosmog
- KE herbs blog
- Frequency therapy basis
- Biozapper
- Hunter 4025 - Meta Hunter
- Frequency therapy in Austria
- Health in general
- Element theory
- Mycotherapy
- Vital field
- Allergies
- Acid-base balance
- Fungal diseases
- Buchempfehlungen
- Komplementäre Medizin
- Supplements
- E-Smog
- Frequencies | Diseases
- Analysis | Consulting
- Education

Business analyses
Health begins with prevention. Our life and our health are not infinite, even if we don't want to admit it in everyday life.
We work with information and blockages from the information field and process these together with you. As the following analyses all take place on the information level, they are not recognised by conventional medicine. They therefore do not replace therapies by trained doctors, alternative practitioners or therapists.
Frequenzanalyse Haarprobe
Frequencies that you currently need!
Individual frequencies close the gap between the standardised programmes of the manufacturers and the frequencies that you still currently need.
This analysis is based on the principle of the morphogenetic oscillation field, therefore we need the hair analysis.
What are the areas of application for the analysis:
Fields of application Human:
Personal Coaching
Sport Coaching
Health & Prevention
Overcoming illness
Areas of application Veterinary:
Analysis for dogs
Analysis for cats
Analysis for horses
Real Time Tracking
How does the hair analysis work:
When you have ordered and paid with us, you will receive a bag for the hair sample from us by post.
In addition, you will receive a short questionnaire so that we can focus on the issues that are most relevant to you.
Return the bag with the hair and the completed questionnaire to us.
After we have received the hair, the analysis takes place at our premises.