Alleviate and heal anxiety and depression with binaural beatings
Acoustic signals, such as tones or sounds, propagate mainly in the air via waves, the so-called sound waves. These sound waves can be represented in curves, which rise and fall like a wave motion. While low and loud sounds originate from large wavelengths, higher and quieter sounds produce small wavelengths. Researchers have found that many meditation exercises can develop their optimal effect through binaural beatings, i.e. frequencies that are generated by the brain stem. But binaural beatings are also being used more and more often in healing processes. In the following article, you will find out exactly what binaural beatings are and to what extent they have been researched and recognised in medical practice.
What are binaural vibrations?
The term "binaural" comes from the Latin word "auriculus", which means "ear". Binaural beats are therefore defined as the separate excitation of both ears, which is expressed by the prefix "bi". Binaural beats can be produced, for example, via stereo headphones with two different frequencies, one frequency V1 and another frequency V2. The effect of the binaural beat is created by interference on a neuronal level. This is because on a physical level the signals do not overlap. As a result, a phase difference of the excitation can be perceived in both ears when listening. This effect is important, for example, for directional hearing, i.e. acoustic localisation.
Binaural beats thus stimulate human brain activity purely auditorily, more precisely the activity of the brain stem. If the generation of binaural oscillations is used for therapeutic purposes, one usually speaks of a newer form of sound wave therapy, which is said to have a healing and particularly beneficial effect on general well-being.
How were binaural vibrations discovered?
In 1839, the German physicist Heinrich Wilhelm Dove discovered that acoustic beats are perceived by humans if they consist of two different tones. One tone is directed to the right ear and the other tone is heard by the left ear. Dove's discovery was called "binaural beat" and was later further researched by the biophysicist Gerald Oster. In 1973, Oster was able to prove that the brain stem, in the so-called "nucleus olivaris superior", produces the balancing, i.e. the middle frequency of the two tones. From a scientific point of view, the binaural beats are therefore "imaginary" tones produced by the brain stem as an average. We can also say that binaural beats are an "auditory illusion" created by the brain.
How do binaural beats occur?
Binaural beats can be created by using different frequencies in the right and left ear. To do this, the two different frequencies are played to the ears using headphones. For example, the right ear might hear 400 hertz and the left ear 410 hertz. The listener hears a frequency of about 405 hertz. In the brain stem, on the other hand, a middle tone is created which creates the difference (in this case of about 10 hertz). The listener usually does not perceive this middle frequency or the "phantom tone" at all or perceives it as a buzzing tone. The optimal difference value should be at least 2 Hertz and at most 35 Hertz. The difference value is always decisive for whether delta, beta, theta, alpha or gamma waves are triggered in the brain and should be carefully selected depending on the physical complaint.
How do the respective frequency ranges in the brain differ from each other?
Neurologists distinguish between five frequency ranges of the electrical brain waves. These provide information about different mental states and are differentiated from each other as follows:
- Delta frequency range: lies between 0.1 and 4 hertz and is active in the dreamless phase of deep sleep. Studies have shown that people who received a delta frequency during sleep were able to enter a deeper stage of sleep according to the electroencephalogram (EEG) brain scan.
- Theta frequency range: lies between 4 and 8 hertz and is active in the REM phase, in dreams and during sleepiness. Theta frequencies can therefore contribute to improved meditation and more creativity.
- Alpha frequency range: lies between 8 and 13 hertz and is activated when the eyes are closed, i.e. in a loosened, relaxed state, in phases of imagination and memory. Alpha frequencies can thus help to promote relaxation.
- Beta frequency range: lies between 13 and 30 hertz and is activated in waking consciousness, in the process of perception, in everyday things, thinking and logic. Beta frequencies can promote concentration and alertness, but can also increase anxiety at the higher end of the range.
- Gamma frequency range: is above 30 hertz and is activated during meditation, focusing on an issue, concentrating and learning. Gamma frequencies promote the maintenance of arousal while a person is in a waking state.
Application of binaural beats
Binaural beatings can enhance well-being in various situations in life. Within prevention, binaural vibrations are often used for deep relaxation and stress reduction. The binaural vibrations can be used in the context of a sound journey or a relaxation mediation. However, as part of a self-help treatment, audio recordings of binaural vibrations are also available, which the patient can listen to through stereo headphones. While some listeners do not notice the binaural beats at all, other listeners report an unpleasant buzzing sound. The latter can be avoided if, for example, the binaural vibrations are embedded in relaxed sounds or accompanied by a professional speaker. In the speech text, strong images and a positive suggestion can also be conveyed to the listener. In general, proponents of binaural beatings recommend the use of this therapy for the following complaints:
- for stress reduction and anxiety reduction,
- to increase general concentration and motivation,
- to strengthen long-term memory,
- for deeper meditation,
- for improved psychomotor performance.
How do binaural beatings work?
Through his development of electronencephalography (EEG), the scientist Hans Berger was able to prove that all mental and physical states, whether it is anxiety, stress, fatigue or relaxation, are expressed in human brain activity. Generally, electrical brain activity lies between 0.1 and 30 hertz, which is why the binaural beats as stimulus frequency must also be in this range. Binaural beats can be used to optimise and stimulate mental states by means of brainwave modulation. Proponents of binaural beats even believe that they can be used to treat anxiety and depression.
A study published in 2017 by Springer-Verlag was able to prove that binaural oscillations can have a beneficial effect on long-term memory. In the study, 32 participants were exposed to different frequencies via headphones in order to trigger a binaural beat in the brain stem of each participant. While 16 participants developed beta frequencies, the other 16 participants developed theta frequencies. The group with the beta frequencies subsequently showed significantly improved recall of previously said words. The study therefore suggests that binaural oscillations can enhance memory performance without training. The generation of theta waves, on the other hand, has already been used to successfully treat addicts. Theta waves have a particularly relaxing effect and lead to a meditative state.
Further meta-analyses came to the conclusion that the triggering of binaural beatings in the brain stem can also be used usefully in pain therapy and also has surprisingly positive results with regard to the alleviation of anxiety. However, in contrast to the promotion of memory performance, the duration as well as the regularity and the selection of the respective frequency are decisive here.
Preventive use of binaural beatings for depression and other conditions
In an increasingly fast-paced world, depression or burn-out are almost civilisation diseases that can develop as a result of too much stress. Binaural vibrations can prevent these illnesses by relaxing the body and providing the necessary motivation and a balanced sense of well-being. Ten minutes a day is enough to tune the brain to better frequencies. Although binaural beat therapy is recommended by advocates for the treatment of stress and anxiety, binaural beat sound wave therapy is not part of standard medical treatment, which is why it is considered experimental by the majority of the medical profession.
How is binaural beat therapy used?
Binaural beatings can also be used as self-therapy at home. This requires stereo headphones and an MP3 player or other device that can play music. Since doctors do not generally recommend any treatment for binaural beatings, one should follow the application suggestions on the music CD. If you do not notice any mental change even after regular and precise application of the sound wave therapy, it might be advisable to try a different tone or frequency. Binaural beat treatment should always be performed in a state of full alertness and attention. It is not advisable to perform the therapy while driving a car, for example.
Before performing sound wave therapy at home, it is advisable to check with your family doctor whether binaural vibration treatment is suitable for your specific condition. Although only a few doctors recommend the effectiveness of binaural vibrations, for example for the therapy of anxiety, the treatment can still be used at home without much prior knowledge. However, patients should also be made aware that there have not yet been any studies on the long-term side effects of the therapy.