Existence on Earth came about and unfolded through the effect of the sun's rays, the strongest natural source of electromagnetic vibrations. Lightning strikes also generate electromagnetic waves.

There is also a geomagnetic field on our planetr Background.

Various electrical devices, electric motors, radar systems, transmitters, computers, mobile phones and other devices generate artificial electromagnetic radiation.

A modern society cannot exist without televisions, radios, telemetry, radar systems and navigation systems .

In addition to the conventional use of almost all types of electromagnetic radiation, their practical use is expanding in numerous areas:

  • Healthcare
  • Biology
  • Agriculture
  • biotechnological applications.

The light of the sun emits its Energy over almost the entire spectrum of electromagnetic oscillations , including radio, microwave and optical ranges as well as the range of ionising radiation.

As a rule, the total radiant power of the sun is in the range of 1500 Å to 5 mm, and on our earth there is a considerable amount of energy with a power of 2×10 17 watts per second.

A newly emerging science, electromagnetobiology, addresses part of the general problem of the biological consequences of light and ultramild physical and chemical factors.

It is assumed that these factors are below the threshold that activates biological protection mechanisms and therefore accumulate at the subcellular level accumulate subcellular level.

Electromagnetic pollution caused by human activities is increasing rapidly:

In the past 45 years, it has increased by a factor of 45,000 to 50,000. Currently, numerous publications on electromagnetic biology are published worldwide every year.

The development of guidelines to ensure the electromagnetic safety of humans is a task undertaken by a large number of national and international organisations.

Therefore, the biological effects of ultramild substances, especially electromagnetic radiation, are a fundamental scientific problem with a strong focus on practical applications.

Apparently, there is no other external factor that could exert such a significant influence on living organisms as electromagnetic radiation. Within the biosphere, constant periodic electromagnetic processes occur whose frequencies are distributed across the entire electromagnetic spectrum.

It is reasonable to assume that each section of this spectrum had a specific function in the development of living beings and influenced their life processes.

For example, a measurable effect of lower natural electromagnetic fields on living beings could be detected in the form of biochemical oscillationst be detected.

Despite the presence of electromagnetic radiation on Earth since time immemorial, awareness of this form of matter was only awakened in the second half of the nineteenth century by D. Maxwell and H. Hertz. Maxwell and H. Hertz. It was not until the end of the nineteenth century that artificial electromagnetic rays were first used for their own purposes by A. Popov and G. Marconi .

It has always been known that variations in rigid magnetism do not leave living beings unaffected; these variations always accompany the evolution of life on our planet.

It is hypothesised that polarity reversals of the Earth's magnetic dipole may have global implications for biology, e.g. the emergence and disappearance of species and life in general.

According to the concept of bioelements and of bioelementology, a new integrative approach in the life sciences, the study by A.V. Skalny (2003 Skalny (-2001) was proposed.

The existence of living organisms is influenced by a combination of internal factors, including the presence of essential elements as the basic building blocks of life, and external influences, such as electromagnetic fields.

Skalny (2003-2011) emphasises that biosystems are dependent on these factors.

The living world is a totality of biological components and organisms that exist under the constant influence of physico-chemical factors of the earth and the universe.

By utilising electromagnetic oscillations, useful substances can be produced from primary elements.

This idea of bio-elements is described by Skalny (Skalny, 2009(Skalny, , 2011a).

He got that electromagnetic techniques can be used to increase the biomass with a higher concentration of vital nutrients and thus enable a more "nutritious" diet for humanity (Skalny, 2011c).

It is also known that certain Ions are involved in magnetoreception involved are involved in magnetoreception.

It has been proven that calciumions are involved in numerous biological processes: Transmission of impulses between nerve cells, release of various substances into the environment, Flagellar motility, activation of enzymes, contraction of muscles, reproduction, growth and development.

Due to the ability of certain proteins to bind both calcium and magnesium, the binding sites for these two ions could potentially match.

For this reason, both magnesium and calcium ions could be potential Ztargets for magnetic fields.

The elements potassium, sodium, rubidium and lithium are presumably involved in biological processes in a similar way.

There are electromagnetic waves in the millimetre range in the sun's spectrum, but these do not reach the earth's surface as they are absorbed by water vapour.

Therefore, this range cannot be considered an influencing factor for evolution in the biosphere.

Artificial generation of waves was first carried out in 1965-1966, when scientists from Russia, led by Academician N.D. Devyatkov and Professor M.B. Golant, developed generators that could produce this type of oscillation .

Since then, these waves have been used in medicine and later also in biology.

Mainly waves with low, non-heat-intensive strength were used, whereby the maximum permissible Power density was around 10mW/cm2.

In terms of the amount of energy absorbed, this range can therefore be regarded as a weak or even extremely weak influence.

Millimetrewaves have various essential characteristics: intensive absorption by water molecules, resonance phenomenon, the capacity to create a convective mixing of ther irradiated Fluids of the irradiated liquids.

At the same time, the biological influence of millimetre frequencies usually tends to Accumulation over time.

The discovery of a significant biological influence of these oscillations on photosynthetic organisms - namely cyanobacteria and microalgae - was first made (Tambiev et al., 1997) .

A large body of research has demonstrated that water stores memories of past physical impacts , which has a significant impact on the course of events in the aquatic environment.

This opens up opportunities for the development of new ways to control chemical, biochemical and biological processes .

The experiments have shown that the wavelength of millimetre waves can influence the chemical composition of cells of photosynthetic organisms such as cyanobacteria and microalgae, which are frequently used in photobiotechnology.

It has been possible to significantly increase the production of so-called secondary nutrients by the microalgae Spirulina platensis and Spirulina maxima.

Exposure to millimetre wave radiation leads to an increased accumulation of various trace elements from the environment: for example selenium, chromium, zinc, copper, lithium and others, accompanied by drastic shifts in the element composition of the algae cells (Tambiev et al., 2000).

Research suggests that electromagnetic millimetre waves are of great importance for the effective production of secondary biochemical substances and essential building blocks for sustaining life, as well as for promoting the growth and diversity of living matter on Earth, which is undoubtedly relevant both in theory and in practice.

Sources of the citations

Tambiev, A.Kh., and A.V. Skalny. "Electromagnetic Radiation and Life: Bioelementological Point of View." Biophysics, 2012. doi:10.5772/35392 .

Tambiev, A.Kh., and A.V. Skalny. "Electromagnetic Radiation and Life: Bioelementological Point of View." Biophysics (2012): n. pag. Web.

Tambiev, A. K., & Skalny, A. V. (2012). Electromagnetic Radiation and Life: Bioelementological Point of View. Biophysics. https://doi.org/10.5772/35392