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What is the BX virus?

The so-called BX virus was discovered by the American inventor of high-magnification time-lapse microphotography, Royal Raymond Rife. The BX virus is a pathogen that causes cancer and can be treated with Rife's frequency therapy.

How did Rife discover the BX virus?

Rife examined cancer tissue under his so-called universal microscope, which at the time was capable of many times the magnification. His aim was to prepare the cancer tissue in such a way as to make the cancer-causing microbe visible. To this end, he stained numerous molecules, but without success. He then began to use chemical substances to make the microbes visible through their own luminescence. At the same time, he multiplied the microbe, which he suspected to be in the cancer tissue. For this purpose, he used the K-medium cultivation method of the microbiologist Arthur Kendall. After many unsuccessful attempts, Rife finally achieved his breakthrough rather by chance. After a 24-hour incubation period of the test tube near an argon discharge tube, cancer viruses could be found under the microscope, which were easy to recognise thanks to their violet fluorescence. Rife called these BX viruses and said that they resulted from bacteria being exposed to stress.

BX viruses cause cancer

Rife tested whether BX viruses actually cause cancer by inoculating albino rats with a solution he had prepared from human breast cancer tissue. Within three to four days, the rat formed a lesion at the inoculation site in the mammary gland. Rife then performed a pathological examination, which revealed a typical malignancy. To be absolutely sure that the BX virus causes cancer, he repeated the experiment several times, always with the same result.

In summary, Rife's discovery can be stated as follows: Harmless bacteria become virulent when they are reduced in size. Rife therefore assumed that bacteria in themselves do not cause diseases, but the microorganisms that result from them do. The metabolism of a perfectly balanced and equilibrated human body is therefore not susceptible to any diseases.

What are the characteristics of the BX virus?

Rife described the BX virus under the microscope as a tiny egg-shaped particle about 50 nm in size and 70 nm long. Because it is very mobile, Rife assumed that the BX virus is flagellated. Rife found that the BX virus could be transformed back into a bacterium or a fungus depending on the medium in which it lived. If, on the other hand, the BX virus appeared in a greatly reduced form, it could already be destroyed by UV or X-rays.

Review of Rife's discovery by Dr. Arthur Kendall

Dr. Arthur Kendall, from whom the K medium came, wanted to verify Rife's discovery of the BX virus and invited Rife to visit him at his workplace, Northwestern University in Chicago, in 1931. Here he introduced Rife to his bacteria, which he had grown himself. Both researchers wrote an article in the same year in which they published their results.

How can BX viruses be treated?

Although BX viruses are actively moving, Rife found a way to devitalise these microorganisms. To do this, he used EM waves at a specific frequency. The frequency was to be chosen depending on the type of microbes and could be determined by observing the microbes under Rife's universal microscope.

The professor of physiology and clinical medicine at the University of Southern California, Dr Milbank Johnson, tested the clinical effectiveness of Rife's cancer therapy in 1934. For this purpose, he selected sixteen terminally ill patients with different malignant cancer tumours and treated them with an appropriate device that generated an oscillating electric field with the required frequency to destroy the BX virus. Every third day, the patients were treated for three minutes with the device, which was painless. Fourteen of the 16 patients were considered cured after three months. The other two patients were cured after twenty more days of treatment. In the same year, the first cancer clinic using the Rife technology to treat cancer was opened. Four years later, the Rife Beam Ray Company was founded. As this type of cancer treatment was a thorn in the side of the powerful Rockefeller Foundation and the pharmaceutical industry, this development of alternative, medical forms of cancer treatment was to be prevented.

How does Rife generate EM waves?

EM waves play a major role in the treatment of the BX virus, the small microbes responsible for the formation of cancer. Rife proved that BX viruses can be destroyed by exposing them to these electrical fields (EM waves). To do this, Rife generated radio waves with a limited range. An adaptable and stable frequency was to make it possible to select the radio waves depending on the presence of a particular microbe. This apparatus is available today under Rife's frequency device.

How is Rife therapy used today?

More and more Rife therapy devices as well as experiments with Rife frequencies are being used worldwide. While in America the so-called Rife-Bare device by James Bare with plasma tube is used, in Europe and in Germany mainly the Crane technology is used. The James Bare plasma tube is based on a CB radio with 27MHz as carrier wave. The Crane technology, on the other hand, transmits the different frequencies via hand and foot electrodes.

In application, a number of frequencies have proven to be efficient, as they are generally well tolerated. These are the so-called universal frequencies, which promise healing or at least relief especially for many degenerative, chronic, but also acute inflammatory diseases.