The method of blood electrification according to Dr. Robert C. Beck
Dr. Robert C. Beck is the inventor of blood electrification, which was registered as a US patent by Steven Kaali and Peter Schwolsky. His invention goes back to the research work of Dr. Hulda Clark and Dr. Robert J. Thiel. Beck's method of blood electrification.
It is based on the assumption that parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi are paralysed by a small current pulse of 50 to 100 microamperes. This means that the pathogens are no longer able to infect the body's own cells and the immune system can eliminate them within a very short time.
How exactly Beck's blood electrification, i.e. his legendary zapper, works, you will learn in this article.
The US patent with the number 5188738
The Beck zapper is based on the method of blood electrification, which was patented by Dr Kaali and Schwolsky.
On 14 March 1991, the two doctors announced their discovery to fight viruses and bacteria at the "First International Symposium on Combination Therapies".
Their method of blood electrification consisted of an electrical flow through a Petri dish, which was supposed to sufficiently cleanse the blood of bacteria, viruses, parasites and/or fungi and render these pathogens harmless to healthy cells.
To avoid damaging the biological function of the blood or other fluids, the optimal electrical flow should be between 50 and 100 microamperes.
At the congress, Dr Kaali and Schwolsky announced that they had been able to reduce the infectivity of AIDS viruses by up to 95 % through so-called blood electrification.
Although it usually takes years for a patent to be approved, the blood electrification method was approved in only nine months because its mode of action was convincing.
Research basis for the blood electrification method according to Dr. Beck
Beck became aware of Kaali and Schwolsky's US patent years later and tried the blood electrification method.
But while Kaali and Schwolsky used DC voltage for their treatment, Beck found in his studies that he could also achieve the same result with 3.92 Hz square wave voltage.
Another crucial difference was that Kaali had to implant a so-called zapper with a small battery and two tiny electrodes directly into the artery of the patient's arm or leg.
This was not only very costly, but also inconvenient, especially since the procedure had to be repeated with each new placement of the electrodes. Beck therefore modified Kaali's patent so that he could place the electrodes directly on the patient's skin.
The invention of the blood zapper according to Beck also goes back to the detailed study of the so-called zapper by Dr. Hulda Clark.
The Clark.zapper is part of her frequency therapy. Similar to Beck, Clark assumed that parasites, bacteria and viruses, i.e. possible causes of disease, can be killed by electrical impulses.
The zapper, the so-called frequency generator, is supposed to apply electric shocks to the parasites and thus kill them.
In his studies with the zapper, Dr. Beck found out that the current flow, i.e. the blood electrification, is more important than the frequency.
In this respect, the Beck zapper also differs from that of Dr. Hulda Clark.
While the latter works with a high frequency of 1 kHz up to 1MHz, the "Beck-Zapper" only works with half a Schumann frequency of 3.920 Hz. Beck believes that the lower the frequency, the greater the current absorption, i.e. the more effective the therapy.
The Beck zapper, which is operated at 3.92 Hz, is also in harmony with the body's own rhythm and is therefore not a stress trigger.
Since the Beck zapper works with a higher voltage (27 volts) than the Clark zapper (9 volts), it is attached directly to the pulse vein and not held in the hands. The Beckzapper works as follows:
- The "enemy in the blood", as Beck called parasites, viruses and bacteria, is fought with mild electricity between 50 and 100 microamperes at a half Schumann frequency of 3.92 Hz.
- During blood electrification, colloidal silver is added to prevent secondary infection. Colloidal silver means extremely small silver particles dissolved in water, which are held in suspension by the water molecules. Although collodial silver enjoyed great importance in medicine hundreds of years ago, it fell into oblivion with the introduction of antiobiotics and has only been gradually rediscovered in recent years.
- Strong magnetic pulses are supposed to transport pathogens from the lymphatic system back into the bloodstream, where they can then be eliminated by the immune system.
Since the American health authority, the FDA, did not approve the blood zapper according to Dr. Beck, Beck left the USA for two years.
Abroad, he tried out his method on patients with viral diseases.
He treated the persons for 1 to 2 hours daily over a period of 5 to 8 weeks. He was able to prove that his patients became virus-free and symptom-free after the exact application of the blood electrification device.
However, he also found that some of his patients came down with the same virus again after a few months. After further studies, he realised that the repeated infections were due to lingering viruses in the lymph fluid.
From the lymph fluid, the viruses returned to the bloodstream, where they re-infected cells and multiplied, causing the repeated symptoms of the disease. Beck then invented another device, the so-called magnetic pulser.
This produced an electrical flow by means of a magnetic pulse, which triggered contractions in the lymphatic channels.
This forced a movement of the lymph, which resulted in the microbes being forced back into the bloodstream where they could be electrified. Beck applied the Magnetpluser to some patients in combination with the blood electrifier and achieved surprisingly positive results.
Parasites as pathogens
Similar to Dr. Hulda Clark, Dr. Beck also assumed that parasites were responsible for the development of diseases. Beck also believed that parasites in the blood would limit human life expectancy to 70 to 80 years. Dr. Beck himself was convinced of the effectiveness of his zapper and lost 60 kg with it. He explained this weight loss by the fact that the parasites had previously consumed a large part of the nutrients, causing him to experience constant ravenous hunger. In addition, Beck's blood pressure and blood sugar dropped significantly. He also regained a full head of hair at the age of almost 70. Beck attributed all these benefits to his zapper, which he was able to prove after a three-week treatment by means of a blood test with the dark field method: His blood count was perfect.
But the blood zapper can not only be used effectively against parasites, it also helps with herpes diseases, AIDS, chicken pox, lung ulcers, leukaemia and other types of cancer, as well as chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, flu-like infections, asthma and gastritis. In short, the blood zapper has been able to treat many diseases that are usually considered incurable.
The effectiveness of the Beckzapper from an expert's point of view
The Beckzapper makes it more difficult for parasitic and microbial pathogens to accumulate in the blood and lymph.
By administering small electric shocks, a wide variety of pathogens are weakened in their virulence by blunting and rendering useless their protein layers that enable them to dock with organic cells.
Researchers have been able to demonstrate that blood electrification is highly effective in ridding blood plasma of fungal infections (Candida nests) and carcinoma protozoa.
If regular blood electrification takes place, the patient's immune system can be significantly strengthened by the liberation of these pathogens.
How is the Beckzapper applied?
Beck recommends carrying out the blood electrification for 3 to 6 weeks daily for two hours, if necessary also longer.
The Beckzapper can be carried in the breast pocket or on the belt.
The cathode and anode should be placed where the blood flows and where the pulse beat can be felt.
This can be on the wrist or feet, for example.
For the greatest possible freedom of movement during treatment, the "miniZAP" is recommended.
This is a matchbox-sized zapper that can be worn comfortably on the wrist.
The blood electrification method can be performed by anyone. There are no known side effects when using the blood zapper.
How can the Beckzapper be used with cancer patients?
Dr. Alfons Weber has presented research according to which most cancers are caused by an excessive microbial infestation of blood cells.
According to Prof. Pappa's findings, this in turn can be attributed to a too low energy status.
The use of electrotherapy can therefore achieve considerable success in the treatment of parasite- and energy-related cancers in particular.
The use of the Beckzapper in cancer patients should be continuous.
According to Dr. Weber, the carcinoma protozoa are located in the blood cells and eat up the haemoglobin here.
The carcinoma protozoa in the blood cells are hardly affected by the increased current flow in the blood plasma at first.
Only when the respective blood cell is eaten empty do the carcinoma protozoa leave the blood cell in search of a new one.
Once the carcinoma protozoa are outside the plasma, they can be eliminated by the continuous current surge of the Beckzapper.
In this way, new blood cells cannot be attacked in the first place.
The continuous application of the Beckzapper, possibly in combination with a magnetic pulse generator with collodial silver, can significantly reduce the number of protozoa.