E-smog - an introduction
What is meant by electrosmog?
This question cannot be answered unequivocally. What is clear, however, is that e-smog constantly pursues us and we cannot escape it. The commonly known term "smog" usually refers to an extreme pollution of the air. It comes from the English language and is a combination of the words "smoke" and "fog". Of course, a layer of fog can be seen and sometimes smelled with the naked eye in industrial areas, conurbations or large cities. The situation is different with e-smog, which follows us around completely invisibly. The term "electrosmog" refers to low-frequency electric, magnetic and also high-frequency electromagnetic fields. Physically, these are two pairs of shoes that can have different effects on the body. In this respect, they must be examined separately. Scientists are not yet in agreement on the question to what extent and whether e-smog can cause diseases at all. In general, it is assumed that devices with low field strength, such as the television or other household appliances, do not pose any health risks.
Low-frequency and magnetic fields can be found there
Low-frequency alternating current is used to power clock radios, washing machines, microwaves or electric ovens. In technology, we speak of low-frequency when the number of oscillations per second, the so-called frequency, does not exceed 100 kilohertz. If a device is connected to the mains, it is permanently surrounded by electric fields, just like the supply lines. It does not matter whether it is switched on or off. These fields also form outside, e.g. at distribution boxes or supply lines. A solid house wall effectively shields the strength of these fields by up to 90%. When electricity actually flows, additional magnetic fields are generated. The corresponding current consumption is responsible for the intensity of the fields. The electric fields depend on the respective source and decrease with increasing distance.
This is how low-frequency fields are generated
Whenever electricity is distributed or consumed, low-frequency fields are generated. A typical example of this are overhead high-voltage power lines. As the distance to the power source increases, the field strength decreases, so that from about 50 metres onwards only values in the micro range can be measured. Transformer stations must also be seen against this background. Their strength in the vicinity of household appliances depends on their construction and power. For example, an electric heating system generates a relatively high field strength due to its quite high power. Electric motors and transformers also generate quite strong, low-frequency fields. Some experts see this as the cause of, among other things, muscle cramps or heart fibrillation. According to current knowledge, there is no demonstrable connection between disease patterns of cancer or Alzheimer's and low-frequency electric and magnetic fields.
What about high-frequency fields?
One speaks of high-frequency electromagnetic fields when their oscillation range is between 100 kilohertz and 300 gigahertz. These electric and magnetic fields are always found in parallel and the main sources are radio transmitters such as radio and television transmitters, mobile phone masts and mobile phones. They also occur in microwave ovens, base stations of cordless telephones according to the DECT standard (Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication) or WLAN stations (Wireless Local Area Network) for surfing the internet without cables. Broadcast transmissions and mobile radio make use of the fact that high-frequency fields detach themselves from the source like a transmitting antenna and propagate in waves. Shielding these fields is relatively difficult because thin walls, ordinary windows and roof tiles cannot stop them. Only solid constructions made of reinforced concrete or clay walls reflect this electromagnetic radiation. The electromagnetic fields with their high frequency always cause discussion. It is still rather unclear whether and to what extent damage to health can be caused by them.
The effects of high-frequency radiation
Of course, electromagnetic fields (EMF) exist in nature, which of course are elementary prerequisites for the evolution and organisation of life and thus belong to our natural foundations of life. Even the human organism, with regard to its nerve and muscle cells, functions by and large on the biochemical generation of electric fields. Naturally occurring or biologically generated fields are nowhere near as strong as the millions of technical radio signals. It can also be said that humans intervene very powerfully in these natural controls. It must always be remembered that even signals with a low intensity cause currents in the tissue. However, it is harmless to health because it cannot damage the tissue by increasing the temperature.
Discussion point mobile radio
Mobile phone antennas are often criticised because of their high-frequency fields. It is understandable that many people do not want these masts in their neighbourhood. In general, the fear of electromagnetic radiation is the main reason, although there is no scientific evidence of any health impairment. Nevertheless, quite a few people see it as a new dimension in the nature of environmental pollution. Numerous experts place electromagnetic radiation in the vicinity of mobile phone antennas below the limit. This opinion is not shared by all experts. They do not follow the rule of thumb: "The further away the source, the lower the radiation". The fact that usually only the main beam is measured, but not the split-off beams, feeds this view.
What about radiation when making phone calls and surfing?
When using mobile phones, you have to put up with short-term but relatively high radiation. Surprisingly, the poorer the reception quality, the more the radiation increases. A certain amount of radiation enters the head during a phone call, which is why a legally binding limit has been set for mobile phones. The decisive factor is the so-called "Specific Absorption Rate" (SAR), an indication of how much radiation penetrates the body in relation to one kilogram of body weight. For the countries of the EU (European Union), this has been limited to two watts per kilogram. Science has not yet been able to establish an increased health risk from mobile phones. However, it has been proven that when the limit is exceeded, the body heats up. In the most extensive study on this topic to date, the so-called Interphone Study, 6,300 people were observed over several years. The aim was to find out whether people who regularly use mobile phones are more prone to brain tumours, cancer of the parotid gland and the auditory nerve. The study could not prove an increased cancer rate. Critical voices in this context refer to the results of the long-term effects, about which nothing can be said at the moment. High-frequency fields are also formed in the vicinity of DECT phones, more commonly known as cordless phones. They can be found in many households and offices. Whether you are on the phone or not, the base station emits what is known as pulsed radiation, the dose of which increases according to the phones connected to it. Not to be forgotten are wireless radio networks, which also generate high-frequency fields. A classic application of such WLAN stations is, for example, a computer connected to the Internet. These stations are permanently on the air, as is a Bluetooth application that can be wirelessly networked with IT (Information Technology) devices.
Electrosensitive people
Some people, it is estimated that about five to six percent, describe themselves as electrosensitive. This means better sleep or fewer headaches when there are no electrical devices in the vicinity. This may be merely a subjective perception, as there is no scientific evidence to support it. Nevertheless, many people report clear improvements in their sensations when electric and magnetic fields in their immediate environment have been reduced. However, it has been proven that certain electrical devices or instruments, such as a pacemaker, can be impaired in their function due to electromagnetic fields.
General limits
The European Union (EU) has adopted the limits issued and considered acceptable by the International Commission on Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). It is assumed that the heat emitted by high-frequency electromagnetic radiation can be detrimental to the health of the body. In the context of this consideration, one looks at the power intensity in a certain time interval, not taking into account the power peaks. Some researchers see not only the heat development as a possible health hazard, but also classify a short-term power peak as dangerous. In this respect, they also take a very critical view of the limit values that have been established. However, this model of thought cannot be verified, so that an approach of numerous building biologists is very interesting. They propagate that even minimal deviations from natural conditions can have a negative effect on the organism. Basically, according to this approach, they would like to see a multiple reduction of the existing limit values.
These dangers are now actually threatening
Numerous studies do see correlations between illnesses in humans, animals and plants due to the electromagnetic fields that affect them. However, the existing legal protection only applies to thermal effects caused by high-frequency radiation. However, according to the experts, this does not take into account all other health-relevant effects. The Swiss Federal Council stated in its report that it is not only the heating of body tissue that could have a negative effect on health. Rather, based on their observations, they conclude that other biological, scientifically proven, harmful effects also exist. In addition, the Swiss National Research Programme also discovered a scientifically sufficiently proven influence on brain waves. Furthermore, the programme also noticed other effects. Among other things, there is talk of an influence on the blood flow in the brain, an influence on the quality of sperm, a destabilisation of genetic information and effects on the expression of genes. But that is not all: there are indications of programmed cell death and oxidative cell stress. The WHO sees a further result in the possible connection between the development of tumours under the use of EMF such as mobile phones. An animal experiment proved the amplifying effect of a tumour. Electromagnetic fields (EMF) also influence, for example, the sense of orientation of animals such as bees, homing pigeons or bats. Cell dysfunction and growth changes have even been observed in trees.