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Element earth and its significance for the stomach

Insights into frequencies and frequency therapy

In accordance with the teachings of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), our well-being is significantly influenced by the balance of the five elements earth, fire, water, metal and wood.

These elements are not only closely related to each other, but also to specific organs and bodily functions.

The element earth is of central importance here, as it is traditionally associated with the stomach and spleen as well as with the late summer season, when the earth bears fruit and provides nourishment.

The idea of frequencies and frequency therapy has received increasing attention in alternative medicine in recent years.

According to this idea, every element, every organ and every body condition has its own frequency. A disharmony can therefore lead to disturbances in well-being and in health.

Frequency therapy aims to correct these disharmonies and return the body to its natural vibrational state.

But how exactly are the element earth and the stomach connected? And how can frequencies contribute to restoring and promoting health?

The importance of the element earth for the stomach

In the context of TCM, the stomach is regarded as the centre of digestion. It is responsible for the first step in the digestive process, the breaking down and processing of ingested food. The spleen, on the other hand, transforms the nutrients and passes them on. Both organs are closely linked to the element earth and therefore also to aspects such as care, nourishment and centring.

Disorders in the element earth can manifest themselves in the form of digestive problems, worries, excessive brooding and a tendency to overprotection. Typical symptoms are flatulence, indigestion, bloating or loss of appetite.

Frequencies and their role in stomach health

As already mentioned, every organ vibrates at a specific frequency. Healthy stomach function is characterised by a harmonious vibration. However, stress, an unhealthy diet, emotional strain and external influences can cause the frequency of the stomach to become unbalanced.

This is where frequency therapy and bioresonance therapy, come in. It uses devices that measure the body's own frequencies and, in the event of disharmony, emit corresponding counter-frequencies to restore the organ's natural frequency.

Use of frequency therapy for stomach complaints

If you suffer from stomach problems, frequency therapy could be a gentle and non-invasive treatment method. The therapy begins with a comprehensive anamnesis, in which your complaints, your lifestyle habits and possible stress factors are recorded. On this basis, a personalised treatment plan is drawn up.

The actual therapy is usually carried out by wearing a special device that records the body's frequencies and analyses them. Based on this analysis, corrective frequencies are delivered to help restore the energetic balance.

Practical tips to support the earth element and the stomach

In addition to frequency therapy, you can do a lot to strengthen the element earth and therefore your stomach. Here are some practical tips:

  • Diet: favour easily digestible, cooked foods. Vegetables such as pumpkin, carrots and sweet potatoes are particularly beneficial for the earth element. Avoid too many raw, cold foods as well as excessive sugar and fat consumption.
  • Regularity: Eat at regular times. This creates a rhythm and relieves the stomach.
  • Relaxation: Reduce stress, as this has a direct effect on your stomach. Methods such as meditation, yoga or tai chi can help to reduce stress and strengthen your centre.
  • Exercise: Light to moderate exercise supports digestion and strengthens the body.
  • Mindfulness: Eat in peace and with mindfulness. This promotes digestion and helps to strengthen the earth element.

Closing thoughts

The concept of the elements and frequencies offers a fascinating approach to looking at and treating health issues. While Western medicine has its strengths in acute, symptomatic treatment, looking at the elements and frequencies offers a holistic perspective that can have a preventative effect and promote well-being on a deeper level.

If you are interested in this path, it is best to seek the advice of an experienced therapist who is familiar with the principles of TCM and frequency therapy. This will ensure that you receive treatment that is tailored to your individual needs.

Always remember that health is more than the absence of disease. Rather, it is about finding and maintaining a harmonious balance in your life and body. By understanding the earth element and its relationship to your stomach and supporting , you can make a major contribution to your own health and well-being.