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Genotoxicity caused by electromagnetic fields: An overview


In the modern world, we are constantly exposed to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) generated by technological devices. These fields cover a broad frequency spectrum, from high-voltage power lines to household appliances. The question of whether EMFs in the non-ionising, extremely low frequency (ELF) range can cause genotoxic effects is of great interest.

Electromagnetic fields and their effects

EMFs and waves can have direct and indirect effects on genes and chromosomes of living organisms. These effects depend on many factors and may become visible immediately or only after a longer period of time. High-frequency EMFs have more energy and interact differently with biological systems than low-frequency EMFs.


The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified ELF EMFs as "possibly carcinogenic". Some studies have shown a weak to moderate association between exposure to low frequency magnetic fields and various types of cancer, particularly leukaemia and brain tumours.

Genotoxic potential of magnetic fields

There are conflicting results as to whether ELF EMFs cause genetic damage. Some studies suggest that these fields may indirectly affect DNA structure by inducing secondary currents and electron movements in DNA.

Our research experience

Our studies have shown that ELF-EMFs can influence cell proliferation without directly causing genotoxic effects. However, increased gene expression and activity was observed in some experiments, indicating a possible indirect effect.

Effects on the immune system

The effects of ELF-EMFs on the immune system are also controversial. Some studies show no significant effects, while others demonstrate increased apoptosis and immune response.


Current knowledge on the biological effects of weak magnetic fields is limited and contradictory. Further studies are needed to clarify the genotoxic risks of ELF-EMFs. Until then, it is advisable to follow a cautious avoidance strategy, for example by choosing low-emission devices and switching them off when not in use.