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Frequency therapy according to Schumann

Does a frequency exist which extends across the earth and can positively influence the human organism? In the meantime, this has even been scientifically proven. The frequency is called Schumann resonance. In the following article we explain what the Schumann Resonance is all about, how it came into being and how the Schumann Resonance can have a positive effect on human health. We also look at what scientific findings are already available on the Schumann Resonance and how the Schumann Resonance can be used for medical purposes.

What is the Schumann frequency?

The Schumann frequency goes back to its inventor of the same name, the physicist Winfried Otto Schumann. His invention, the Schumann frequency, is used to describe certain frequencies that produce waves along the circumference of the earth, so-called standing current waves. The Schumann frequency thus describes the oscillation pattern of the earth, which is 7.83 Hertz. The earth's oscillation pattern is maintained with the energy of lightning strikes.

Approximately 50 lightning bolts per second strike the ionosphere, which lies between 50 and 100 kilometres above the Earth's surface and extends several hundred kilometres into space. Each lightning strike generates electromagnetic waves that orbit the earth within its cavity between the earth's surface and the ionosphere. A Schumann resonance, or the Earth's natural oscillation, is generated whenever some of these waves have the same wavelengths or are longer than the circumference of the Earth. Schumann frequencies are extremely low frequency waves. They are up to a hundred thousand times lower than radio waves, for example. Scientists suspect that the Schumann frequency is caused by electrical activity in the atmosphere.

What effect does the Schumann frequency have on the human organism?

Although the Schumann frequency is a low-frequency wave, it has an immense influence on humans. Numerous studies have shown that the Schumann frequency is received by the pineal gland and controls all our bodily processes. Chronoastrobiologists, for example, found that the Schumann frequency has a great influence on human hormone regulation. But not only that. The Schumann frequency is also the clock for our brain, as it triggers the limbic system. This is an area of the brain that is responsible for emotions. Experiments have shown that people who were artificially exposed to the Schumann resonance were able to achieve positive changes in their mental state. They immediately felt much better, felt more motivated and were able to sleep better. Researchers also found that the Schumann frequency can be used to treat diseases. Sick cells began to establish a connection to healthy cells through the Schumann frequency. As a result, symptoms of disease could be alleviated.

Experiments around the Schumann frequency

That the absence of Schumann waves leads to mental and physical health problems in humans has been shown, among other things, by studies conducted by E. Jacobi at the University of Düsseldorf. The Professor of Behavioural Physiology, R. Wever, from the Max Planck Institute was also able to prove something similar. In a study, Wever began to build an underground bunker in Erling-Andechs, which completely shielded magnetic fields. Students who took part in this experiment lived in the bunker for four weeks. Wever found that during these four weeks, the students' circadian rhythms changed. A circadian rhythm is the ability of the organism to synchronise physiological processes for about 24 hours. Wever also noticed that many students complained of emotional difficulties and/or migraines. These problems disappeared when the students left the bunker. Based on these results, Wever concluded that there was a direct connection between the human organism and the pulse of the earth, the so-called Schumann resonance.

Similar conclusions must probably be reached by every astronaut who experiences headaches, breathing and pulse changes as well as an impairment of the general state of health when leaving the Earth's surface. That all these physical changes in the astronauts can be attributed to the Schumann frequency was proven when Professor Persinger artificially recreated it and the astronauts' complaints disappeared. But fortunately, under normal circumstances, it is not at all easy for the Schumann frequency to simply disappear. This is because it can be calculated from the circumference of the Earth in relation to the speed of light and is therefore constant. Only a sudden reduction in the circumference of the Earth or a change in the speed of light could also change the Schumann frequency. However, since there are laws of physics behind this, it is virtually impossible. Theories that nevertheless claim that the Schumann resonance changes over time are due to the artificial creation of new electromagnetic fields by humans

How was the Schumann frequency discovered?

in 1893, the Irish physicist, George Francis FitzGerald, developed the hypothesis that the atmosphere could be used as a conductor of electricity. As a member of the group of so-called "Maxwellians", Fitzgerald advocated the theory of the electromagnetic field. This was said to interact with electric charges in space and could manifest itself even in the absence of electric charges. FitzGerald was able to measure an electromagnetic oscillation of about 0.1 seconds for the layers of the atmosphere known at that time. This was the lowest mode of Schumann resonance. Only later, with the assumption that an ionosphere also existed (1902) and with the experimental proof of this in 1925, could higher Schumann resonances also be proven.

This first assumption by Fitzgerald that the atmosphere acts as a conductor of electricity was later to be elaborated by Schumann. Schumann assumed that a sphere generates an electrical voltage in another sphere and that there must therefore be a voltage relationship between these two spheres. All this could be observed in the negatively charged earth, which exists within the positively charged ionosphere and gives the earth its decisive pulse. In the course of his research, Schumann distinguished frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles. Of the total of eight Schumann frequencies, only four were in the Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) range, i.e. in the range between 3 and 30 Hertz, which consequently can directly affect the following frequency ranges of the brain:

  • Alpha waves: Frequency range between 7 and 14 Hz are produced by the brain in a relaxed waking state, i.e. just before falling asleep, after waking up and/or during meditation.
  • Beta waves: Frequency range between 14 and 30 Hz are generated by the brain in an alert and awake state. People who are exposed to the beta wave range for a long time feel highly stressed and their creativity is restricted.
  • Theta waves: Frequency range between 3 and 7 Hz are generated by the brain in a dream state, state of relaxation, creativity and/or intuition.
  • Delta waves: Frequency range between 0.5 and 3 Hz are produced by the brain in deep sleep.

By means of EEG devices it could be proven that the alpha and theta waves produced by the human brain synchronise with the Schumann frequency. Both brain frequencies are based on a relaxed, dreamy, or sleepy resonance, on which cell generation and healing processes also take place. Everything that exists has a certain frequency range. Two frequencies that are synchronously tuned to each other, as is the case with the alpha and theta waves and the Schumann frequency, influence each other. If the Schumann frequencies do not move synchronously with each other, disturbances occur, i.e. disharmony. Since the human brain is in resonance with the Schumann frequencies, these disturbances have a direct effect on our thinking and being. They unbalance the central nervous system, the sympathetic nervous system, which especially supplies the viscera, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the structure and tissue and the necessary bodily functions. This imbalance affects body, mind and spirit. People can react to this with sleep disorders and/or mood swings. Physical complaints such as headaches, concentration difficulties and/or depressive moods can also be the result.

Useful application of the Schumann frequency for illnesses and general well-being

When doctors used to talk about weather sensitivity or weather-induced gloominess caused by rain showers and depression caused by grey days, they were usually dismissed as quacks. In the meantime, numerous scientific experiments have proven that the human organism functions as a very complex mechanism and is also dependent on external factors. Thus, there is not only a connection between body and mind, but also an influence by the environment. Many studies have shown that people who synchronise with the Schumann frequency of 7.83 Hz have better physical and psychological factors than people in disharmony:

  • better learning and memory performance,
  • more balance and a tendency to fewer jet-lag symptoms,
  • improved stress tolerance.

The neuropsychologist and psychotherapist Herbert König can be cited as evidence for the connection between brain rhythms and Schumann resonances. He was Schumann's successor at Munich University and compared naturally occurring electromagnetic fields in the environment with human EEG recordings. He found that the alpha waves controlled by the brain are in the same frequency range as the Schumann resonances. König and his colleagues investigated this phenomenon and proved that the electromagnetic activity occurring in the resonance cavity of the earth could be synchronised with the brain rhythms. This knowledge can be applied for medical purposes. Schumann invented his so-called Schumann device especially for this purpose, with which one could reproduce the Schumann frequency as self-therapy at home or in medical institutions.

Synchronising with the Schumann Resonance

Schumann, along with other doctors, developed a so-called zapper. This is a handy device with which different frequencies can be set for self-treatment at home or for therapeutic practice. The purpose of the zapper is to bring oneself back into the right vibration. Many researchers agree that the Schumann device can be used to generate a 7.83 Hz signal and thus reduce the disturbing effects of electromagnetic fields. On the other hand, if you don't want to use a zapper or a so-called Schumann device right away, you can also do the following few things to get back into harmony with the Schumann resonance.

  • Spend a lot of time in nature: For example, how about a relaxing walk in the woods or a trip to the seaside? If you spend a lot of time outdoors, you will quickly be able to bring your vibrations into harmony with Mother Nature, or the Schumann frequency. Any place in nature is good for this. It doesn't matter whether it's a picnic in the countryside or a nap on the garden lounger. The main thing is that you breathe in fresh air!
  • A look at the stars: Observing the stars in the clear night sky can also lead to harmony with the Earth's frequency.
  • Listening to Schumann frequencies: There are now many commercial music CDs that contain Schumann frequencies. You can listen to these while driving to work or during your lunch break. Alternatively, there are also many videos on YouTube that you can watch in a relaxed way.


Why can Schumann Resonance bring about healing?


The healing effect of the Schumann frequency is closely related to the human pineal gland. In ancient Egypt, the pineal gland was also known as the third eye. In the medical sense, it is part of the diencephalon and responsible for the production of melatonin. The pineal gland is thus enormously important for our hormone regulation and regulates the human sleep-wake rhythm. In this respect, the pineal gland functions as a kind of clock generator for the brain.

Listening to a certain frequency over a longer period of time causes the pineal gland to synchronise with this frequency. This happens about every thirty seconds for about 300 milliseconds each. Researchers have found that the frequency to which our pineal gland synchronises is of crucial importance. Synchronisation with the Schumann frequency, as the article has shown, can have a healing effect and have a positive impact on general well-being.

In addition to the positive effect on the pineal gland, studies have also shown that the Schumann frequency also has a positive effect on the limbic system. The eight-hertz vibration puts the brain into a calming and at the same time energising state. The overall result is a holistic harmonisation of the body in which all organs and all functions of the organism find their centre. Various symptoms of illness can be alleviated or healed in this way.