How do frequency therapy and spike proteins work together?
What are proteins in general?
Proteins are large biomolecules and macromolecules that consist of one or more long connections of amino acid residues.
In living organisms, proteins perform a variety of tasks, such as accelerating metabolic processes, replicating DNA, responding to stimuli, shaping cells and organisms and transporting molecules within the body.
The structure of proteins is mainly characterised by the sequence of their amino acids, which is determined by the sequence of nucleotides in their genes.
This specific sequence usually leads to the formation of a unique 3D structure that determines the function of the protein.
A polypeptide refers to an unbroken chain of amino acid residues that make up at least one long protein.
Protein fragments that contain fewer than 20-30 building blocks are rarely considered proteins and are generally referred to as peptides.
The individual building blocks are linked together by peptide bonds and neighbouring building blocks. The arrangement of the building blocks in a protein is determined by the sequence of a gene, which is encoded in the genetic code.
Normally, the genetic blueprint determines 20 typical amino acids; however, some organisms may also contain selenocysteine and - in some cases in archaea - pyrrolysine.
Immediately after or during formation, the remnants of a protein are often chemically modified by post-translational adaptation, leading to changes in the physical and chemical properties, structure, stability, action and ultimately function of the proteins.
Non-peptide components can be attached to some proteins and are referred to as prosthetic groups or cofactors.
Proteins can also co-operate to fulfil a specific task and often form stable protein complexes.
The structure of a protein is the spatial arrangement of atoms in a molecule of amino acid chains.
Proteins are macromolecules - especially polypeptides - that are composed of rows of amino acid units, which are the building blocks of the macromolecule.
A single amino acid unit can also be referred to as a residue, which indicates a repeating component of a macromolecule.
Condensation reactions of amino acids produce proteins, whereby one water molecule is lost per reaction to form a peptide bond.
It is common for a chain of less than 30 amino acids to be called a peptide rather than a protein.
Proteins fold into one or more specific spatial structures to fulfil their biological function. These structures are determined by various non-covalent interactions such as hydrogen bonding, ionic interactions, van der Waals forces and hydrophobic arrangements.
In order to expand our understanding of the molecular properties of proteins, it is often necessary to determine their spatial shape. This is the field of structural biology, which uses methods such as X-ray crystallography, NMR spectroscopy, cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) and dual-polarisation interferometry to analyse the shape of proteins.
The most important finding
A fundamental insight is that once proteins are formed, they only exist for a limited period of time and are then recycled by the cellular machinery through protein degradation.
The lifespan of a protein is determined by its half-life and varies over a wide range.
The time span can vary, be it minutes or years, while the average duration in mammalian cells is 1-2 days.
Abnormal or misfolded proteins are degraded more quickly, either deliberately destroyed or due to their instability.
Proteins and frequency or current therapy
One option for separating proteins using electricity is the ELECTROPHORESIS technique.
It is one of the separation methods in which molecules with different weights or electrical charges are isolated by utilising their respective mobility in an electrical field.
Electrophoresis utilises the ability of charged particles to move in an electric field. The speed of movement depends on the total surface charge, the size and shape of the molecule and its concentration in the solution.
The electrophoretic separation of molecules can be described by the equation
ν E=C ⋅ ϵ ϵ r ⋅ ϵ 0 η ⋅ ζ {displaystyle {frac {nu }{E }}=Ccdot {frac {epsilon _{r }}cdot {epsilon _{0 }}{zeta }}
where ζ is the electrokinetic potential (V), ν is the linear velocity of the particles (m - s-1), E is the strength of the electric field (V - m-1) and η is the viscosity of the medium (Pa - s). The constant C depends on the shape of the particles and the thickness of the electric double layer, while εr represents the relative dielectric constant of the liquid and ε0 the dielectric constant of the vacuum.
The following passage is to be completely reformulated in German by replacing words with their synonyms, changing the sentence structure and adding various adjectives. The punctuation should be completely changed to create a new text that is completely different from the original.
For spherical particles with a radius of r and a large effective double layer thickness of l, where the ratio of r to l is less than 0.1, the value for C is 2/3, while for a thin double layer (r/l > 100) it is 1.
However, this equation refers to the conductivity and not to the frequency!
Spike proteins and plasma generators
There are rumours in the medical community that spike proteins can be reduced with plasma generators.
However, this is impossible because the plasma generators would have to work in the microwave range, which is not possible due to the frequency spectrum. In addition, this would have similar effects on the human body as a therapy with microwaves (eukaryotic cells).
Example based on RPZ 15
The RPZ place generator generates electromagnetic radiation with rectangular modulation at a carrier frequency of 500 kHz.
The electromagnetic radiation and the oscillation frequency have a targeted effect on prokaryotic cells and bring them into resonance.
Eukaryotic cells are unaffected.
In an RPN, the plasma is not conductive. And as you can see, proteins consist of amino acids and peptides without a cell membrane. There is nothing here that we can put into resonance...
It is theoretically possible to generate the resonance of these particles using microwaves. However, this is not a suitable solution because microwaves can destroy all particles, including eukaryotic human cells, enzymes and proteins.
Example based on Ahton5
An example of this is ATHON5, which is able to resonate with the DNA structure.
The frequency used by ATHON5 is 3.2Mhz and is modulated sinusoidally.
The modulation of 8 octaves creates a scalar energy that resonates at the DNA level.
In relation to SARS Cov, we have access to a variety of different frequencies stored in an international database at this point.
It is feasible to use mathematical calculations to determine the extent and intensity of the frequency associated with the spike protein of the virus.
The application of this method would result in the entire virus being affected, not just selected proteins.
There is currently no reliable method that could specifically eliminate only the spike protein.
Member area
Based on various analyses, also in cooperation with the World Council For Health, there is actually a spike protein detoxification guide. This is available to our members in the members area.
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