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Breast Cancer - Breast Carcinoma | NLS Set

Erkunden Sie die Frequenztherapie bei Brustkrebs: Vorteile und Risiken. Entdecken Sie neue Perspektiven mit unserem NLS Set.

Product information " Breast Cancer - Breast Carcinoma | NLS Set"

"Discover the world of frequency therapy for breast cancer: advantages and disadvantages"

Welcome, dear readers, to a topic that is close to many hearts and at the same time raises questions: breast cancer and the options for its treatment. In this comprehensive blog post, we will take an in-depth look at breast cancer, what it means, how it manifests itself and what diagnostic procedures are available. We will also shed light on an innovative treatment method - frequency therapy. We will take a detailed look at how it works, its advantages and possible disadvantages. Our aim is to provide you with a deep understanding and possibly new perspectives. Take a moment to join us on this informative journey and perhaps gain new insights into that may be relevant to you or your loved ones.

What is breast cancer?

Breast cancer, also known medically as mammary carcinoma, is one of the most common cancers that can affect women worldwide. It is a malignant tumour that develops in the cells of the mammary gland. The cancer can originate in both the milk ducts and the mammary gland lobules , with the two main types being classified as ductal and lobular. The exact causes of breast cancer are varied and not fully understood, but genetic factors, lifestyle, hormonal influences and environmental factors all play a role. Women are affected more frequently than men, which can be attributed to the larger amount of mammary gland tissue and the effect of female hormones. Research has made significant progress in the last few decades so that various therapeutic approaches and individualised treatment are now possible.

Symptoms and diagnosis

The symptoms of breast cancer can be varied and vary from person to person. Common signs include lumps or indurations in the breast, changes in the skin such as retractions or redness, changes in the nipple, nipple discharge and changes in the size or asymmetry of the breasts. It is important to emphasise that these symptoms do not necessarily indicate breast cancer, but do require a medical examination . Breast cancer is usually diagnosed using a combination of imaging techniques such as mammography, ultrasound or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), supplemented by tissue sampling (biopsy), in which cells are removed from suspicious areas and examined microscopically . Early detection plays a crucial role, as it can significantly improve the chances of treatment.

What is frequency therapy?

Frequency therapy is a form of treatment based on the assumption that every cell, every organ and every organism has a specific electromagnetic frequency. This form of therapy uses electromagnetic fields or oscillations to promote health and treat diseases. The idea behind it is that by applying frequencies that correspond to the body's natural frequencies or modulate them , a kind of resonance effect is achieved that can improve cell function and contribute to healing. Frequency therapy is used in various areas of medicine, from pain relief to promoting wound healing and supporting chronic illnesses. It is seen as both a complementary and alternative treatment method .

How does frequency therapy work for breast cancer?

The use of frequency therapy in the context of breast cancer is specifically aimed at influencing the diseased cells without damaging healthy tissue. The theory is that cancer cells have a different frequency than healthy cells due to their altered metabolic activity. By applying frequencies that are tuned to these deviating frequencies, it should be possible to weaken or destroy the cancer cells. This form of therapy can be used as a complementary measure to conventional treatments such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy in order to increase their effectiveness and reduce side effects. It is a relatively new field of research, and although initial studies appear promising, frequency therapy for breast cancer is not yet fully researched and established.

Benefits of frequency therapy

Frequency therapy offers several potential benefits that may make it attractive to patients . One of the main advantages is the non-invasiveness of the method, which means that it can be applied without surgical procedures or the insertion of instruments into the body. This minimises the risk of infection and other complications. In addition, frequency therapy is usually painless and can lead to an improvement in general well-being in some patients. It can also help to alleviate side effects of standard therapies such as fatigue, nausea and pain. Another advantage is the ability to customise the therapy as the frequencies can be modified as required . All of this makes frequency therapy a potentially valuable addition in the fight against breast cancer.

Disadvantages of frequency therapy

Despite the advantages mentioned, there are also disadvantages and limitations to frequency therapy that must be taken into account. One of the biggest disadvantages is the lack of comprehensive clinical studies confirming the efficacy and safety of this form of therapy for breast cancer. This leads to uncertainty and scepticism among both doctors and patients. In addition, frequency therapy is not reimbursed by most health insurance companies, which can lead to high costs for those affected. Another point is that frequency therapy may not be suitable for all patients and there may be undesirable interactions with other treatments. It is also important to find a qualified and experienced therapist, as improper use of frequency therapy can lead to negative effects .


In conclusion, breast cancer is a serious disease that requires early diagnosis and a carefully considered treatment strategy. Frequency therapy offers interesting approaches and could be a valuable addition to established treatment methods in the future. However, it is important that further research is carried out to fully understand its efficacy and safety and to validate it. Patients interested in frequency therapy should seek detailed advice and only undertake the therapy under the supervision of a qualified professional. We hope that this blog post has given you deep insights into the topic of breast cancer and frequency therapy and that you are now better informed to make decisions for your health . Stay healthy and take your health care seriously - it is the most valuable asset we have.

What are NLS frequency sets:

NLS frequency sets are based on international frequency research and contain a total of over 40,000 frequency programmes.

Based on experience, alternative (in addition to conventional medicine) and proven therapy plans in frequency therapy are made available for download as Excel or PDF files.

What are our sets based on?

NLS frequency sets are based on international frequency research and integrate frequency lists from the following sources in the respective sets:

-         Rife: are the original frequencies of Dr Royal Raymond Rife

-         CAFL: is the list of "Consolidated Annotated Frequencies" (Consolidated Annotated Frequencies) based on years of published studies and experiments from around the world. These frequencies have been extensively tested and very often used in therapeutic systems of all kinds (devices for magnetic field therapy, electrotherapies, bioresonance, etc.).

-         ETDFL: The Electro Therapy Device Frequency List is an extensive list of frequencies obtained with a well-known bioresonance device called Quantum CSIO. The most important aspect of the EDTFLs is that they contain frequency programmes that attempt to provide an answer to little known and widespread health problems .

-         KHZ: is a collection of frequency programmes that, like the ETDFL, start at a few tens of Hz and end at a few hundred kHz. ,

-         BIOM: is the abbreviation for the frequency programmes used by Biomedis devices. These are normal low frequencies that can be regarded as a further development of the CAFLs .

-         RL: is a collection of frequencies developed by Dr Richard Loyd.

-         PROV: has produced consistent results in almost all subjects on whom it has been used

-         BIO: are research-based Russian frequencies, very valid

-         VEGA: are research-based Russian frequencies, very valid

-         XTRA: are programmes of different origin, selected for their reputation and effectiveness

-         ALT: consists of programmes, based on the knowledge and practice of Ayurvedic, Solfeggio and planetary frequencies

-         HC: is the database of Dr Hulda Clark. When using these frequency sets, the frequency generator should be set with a positive offset of 100%, a square wave and an amplitude of 9.5 volts.

-         CUST: these are new frequencies of different nature and origin

Some of the statements made here and the products listed are based on medical findings that are not recognised by conventional medicine . The statements made on indications and effectiveness, as well as applications of the products listed here do not replace any treatment by a doctor, therapist or alternative practitioner.

Information on the manufacturer (information obligations under the GPSR Product Safety Regulation)
NLS Informationsmedizin GmbH
Babenbergerstrasse 21
3180 Lilienfeld, Österreich