- Frequency systems
- NLS systems
- Tumours benign (benign)
- Tumour malignant (malignant)
- Polyps
- Cysts
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Dermatology and frequencies
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- Hydrogen - frequency therapy
- Topics Electrosmog
- KE herbs blog
- Frequency therapy basis
- Biozapper
- Hunter 4025 - Meta Hunter
- Frequency therapy in Austria
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- Frequencies | Diseases
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Acidosis - Sick for no reason
More and more people are suffering from hyperacidity.Due to an unbalanced diet
and a lifestyle in which stress and fast food play a major role and
sport and exercise hardly play a role, our body is severely affected
.We eat foods that produce acid when they are broken down,
every day: meat, sausage, dairy products, white flour and
sugar - the acid-base balance is thrown out of kilter.The consequences
are discomfort and lack of energy and even nausea,
immunodeficiency, Allergiesfungal infections or tooth damage. Norbert
Treutwein shows how the body can be brought back into
balance by changing
eating habits and adopting a healthier lifestyle.For a healthy and vital life in
Original publisher: Südwest
Paperback, brochure, 256 pages, 16.2 x 21.5 cm
4c throughout
ISBN: 978-3-453-60528-2
Published on 09 December 2019
Baklayan -The harmonic frequency application - Basic work
Title:"The Harmonic Frequency Application (HFA) by Alan E. BaklayanA unique healing method based on universal natural laws and traditional healing teachings"Bullet Points:Based on the universal laws of nature, biophysical parameters and the ways of thinking of the great naturopathic teachings, Alan E. Baklayan's HFA combines unique knowledge and experience from 36 years as a naturopath and frequency therapist.Through his 50 years of experience with traditional Asian martial arts and Taoist philosophy, Alan E. Baklayan has developed a deep understanding of the regulatory talents of the human body.The HFA includes an automated anamnesis, frequency acupuncture without needles, synchronisation of the therapy signals with the heartbeat and basic regulation with differential diagnosis according to traditional constitutional theory.The book not only tells of the pleasing effects of HFA, but also of the history of its development with its pitfalls and background knowledge - as exciting as a detective story.Harmonics, the attempt to grasp the human being in its entirety, is at the centre of Alan E. Baklayan's teaching and makes you want to enter the world of frequency therapy.Description:In this book, the renowned developer and alternative practitioner Alan E. Baklayan presents his Harmonic Frequency Application (HFA) for the first time in a collected version.The HFA is not only based on the universal laws of nature, such as Pythagoras' octave law, but also combines biophysical parameters such as brain waves and the ways of thinking of the major naturopathic teachings such as TCM, Ayurveda, constitutional theory and humoral pathology in a unique healing method.Alan E. Baklayan has developed a deep understanding of the regulatory talents of the human body through his many years as a naturopath and frequency therapist as well as his experience with traditional Asian martial arts and Taoist philosophy.In recent years, through his tireless endeavours to make life easier for therapists and to provide more targeted and effective help for those seeking it, he has created his own cosmos of new inventions and developments.HFA now includes an automated anamnesis, frequency acupuncture without needles, synchronisation of the therapy signals with the heartbeat and basic regulation with differential diagnosis according to traditional constitutional theory.The book not only describes the pleasing effects of the individual inventions, but also tells the story of the development with its pitfalls and background knowledge - as exciting as a detective story. Alan E. Baklayan has discovered elements unknown in our part of the world, such as the tendino-muscular meridians, and revisited lost ideas in order to provide naturopathy with valuable therapeutic options
Baklayan: Gentle self-healing with harmonious vibrations
Title:Gentle self-healing with harmonic vibrationsThe practical book for holistic healingBullet points: Learn from Mr Baklayan himself how you can improve your health and quality of life through harmonic vibrations.Discover a variety of self-help options for a wide range of symptoms.
- Learn how you can actively support your health even without regular visits to a naturopath.Benefit from the experience and knowledge gained from real cases of patients who have experienced a significant improvement in their quality of life through harmonic vibrations.Take the opportunity to take responsibility for your own health and bring about positive changes in your life.Description:The practical book "Gentle self-healing with harmonic vibrations" by Mr Baklayan is a valuable guide for all those who want to engage in a holistic healing of their physical and mental complaints.In this book, the author describes realistic cases of patients who have experienced a significant improvement in their health and quality of life through the use of harmonic vibrations.He deals with a wide range of symptoms and shows various possibilities for self-help.Not everyone is in a position to visit their trusted naturopath regularly, whether for financial or regional reasons.but even these people have the opportunity and perhaps even the duty to actively do something for their health.With this practical book, Mr Baklayan wants to show that this can lead to astonishing and pleasing results. Be inspired by his in-depth knowledge and many years of experience in this field and find out how you can activate your self-healing powers through harmonious vibrations and lead a healthy and fulfilling life.Take the opportunity to take responsibility for your own health and embark on the path to holistic healing.With "Gentle self-healing with harmonic vibrations" you will receive a comprehensive and practice-orientated work that will help you to develop a new awareness of your health.
Cancer cells don't like raspberries
A promise that has been convincing for years: by eating certain
foods, anyone can significantly reduce their risk of cancer.
This book clearly describes which are the best anti-cancer
foods and how they work. Both people who want to actively prevent
and cancer sufferers who want to support their treatment in a
natural way will find valuable
guidance here. Ten years after the first German edition,
is now publishing the long-awaited update of the successful bestseller on
cancer prevention. Many of the latest research findings
have been integrated, e.g. on the following topics:Development and treatment of cancercancer-inhibiting secondary plant substancesthe role of inflammation in cancerthe effect of fats, alcohol, soya and saltthe effect of spices (ginger, thyme, mint, oregano, turmeric, parsley, basil)WHO health recommendationsWith many practical tips and numerous colour illustrations.
Translated from the French
Hanna van Laak
Original title: Les aliments contre le cancer
Original publisher: Éditions du Trécarré, Outremont 2005
Paperback, gatefold, 432 pages, 13.5 x 20.6 cm
4-coloured, approx. 95 colour photos
ISBN: 978-3-442-17739-4
Published on 20 August 2018
Carcinogen discovered!
Tamara Lebedeva, a scientist from Russia, has spent years studying cancer and has made ground-breaking discoveries. In her book, she describes her path to discovery. She not only clearly identifies the causes of cancer, but also shows how it can be prevented and cured. She began her research back in the 19th century.Over the course of the century, German scientists hypothesised that parasites were responsible for the development of cancer. One of the most renowned experts in this field was Prof Günther Enderlein, who repeatedly referred to the pleomorphism of parasites. He described these endobionts, as he called them, which can develop from harmless forms into pathogenic and even deadly enemies.Lebedeva's research work fits in seamlessly with the studies of other scientists before her. Unlike her colleagues, however, the Russian researcher has identified the pest and assigned it a name.The book offers numerous advantages, including a brand new and conclusive hypothesis on the development of cancer developed by a Russian scientist. This has been proven by scientific experiments and also contains a practical section showing what measures can be taken to prevent and cure the disease.
CDL book for beginners
CDL book: Bring an uncomplicated wild card into the medicine cabinet with chlorine dioxide solution and effectively alleviate numerous complaintsDiscover the many possible uses of chlorine dioxide solution in the medicine cabinet and how it can alleviate numerous ailmentsLearn all about the unique germ-killing effect of CDL and how it can fight viruses, bacteria, fungi and even multi-resistant germsLearn how CDL can rid the body of toxins, dissolve blood clots and help with various conditions such as angina, acne, haemorrhoids and skin cancerFamiliarise yourself with the chemical properties, special features and modes of action of CDL and become a CDL expertLearn how to make CDL yourself and always have an effective solution to handDescription: CDL book for beginnersDo you only know chlorine from the swimming pool and is it also toxic? That's true - but chlorine dioxide solution is a completely different kettle of fish and definitely has what it takes to be a miracle cure-all. This solution is used worldwide to disinfect drinking water, but its effect goes far beyond that. Thanks to its strong oxidising properties, it can destroy viruses, bacteria, fungi and even multi-resistant germs. But that's not all. CDL can also rid the body of heavy metals and other pollutants, dissolve blood clots and has been shown to be effective for numerous conditions such as angina, acne, haemorrhoids, skin cancer and digestive problems. This book shows you how to use CDL in your medicine cabinet without any prior medical knowledge. The easy-to-understand explanations and precise instructions for use make it child's play even for beginners. You will learn everything about the correct dosage form, intake, possible side effects and precautions. You will also become a CDL expert in a basic course and learn how to make CDL yourself. With simple step-by-step instructions, you can produce CDL yourself safely and easily using the syringe, vial or test tube method. The many uses of CDL are described in detail in this book, from oral intake to eye drops, enemas, bath additives and mouthwash. You can treat numerous ailments such as herpes, warts, neurodermatitis, allergies, fever and much more, or simply carry out a detoxification programme. And your pets can also benefit from the advantages of CDL, as a bonus section in this book shows you how you can support your four-legged friends in their recovery and well-being in an uncomplicated way. With this book you have an uncomplicated joker in your medicine cabinet.
Chemotherapy cures cancer and the earth is a disc
The book "Collection of alternative treatment options for cancer" is available in hardback. For some time now, Lothar Hirneise has been travelling all continents on the hunt for the most effective treatments for cancer and informing the public that there are other options besides chemotherapy and radiotherapy.As one of the few recognised experts in this field, he explains his extensive research in his compendium on alternative cancer therapies. The reader is shown in detail that supposed experts actually only have limited knowledge about cancer.The author not only provides information on more than 100 treatment methods and remedies for cancer, but also sheds light on which therapies are used in conventional medical practice for different types of cancer and which important aspects patients should definitely consider before undergoing such treatment.For the first time, the "3E" programme is also mentioned here, which is based on the analysis of the medical histories of numerous people who have successfully survived advanced cancer. Find out why some people succumb to cancer while others defy it.The work not only offers an immense wealth of knowledge, but also helps the reader with cancer to discover their own personal path to recovery from cancer through the dynamic exercises of the 3E programme.
Health is no coincidence
Health is a generational project
What is health? New findings show: Health is
not a state, but a process. And it begins long before we are
born. Even the experiences of our parents and grandparents are stored
molecularly in our genes. In a vivid and
exciting way, science author Peter Spork presents how the
transmission of health and personality works and shows how we
can pave the way for a long, healthy and
happy life for our children and grandchildren.
"Peter Spork is the man who popularised epigenetics."
Original title: Health is no coincidence
Original publisher: DVA, Munich 2017
Paperback, softcover, 416 pages, 12.5 x 20.0 cm
with illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-570-55387-9
Published on 28 January 2019
Illness as a symbol
"Illness as a symbol:A completely revised and expanded new edition of Ruediger Dahlke's bestselling holistic medicine book - a key guide to health and self-healing for over 25 years"Highlights: A comprehensive new edition of Ruediger Dahlke's bestseller, which has been a guide to holistic medicine and self-healing for over 25 yearsA profound and holistic view of illness as a meaningful process that points us to unresolved emotional conflicts and leads us to awarenessHundreds of conditions with thousands of symptoms are covered in this fully revised and expanded edition to help the reader understand the messages behind the symptoms and heal themselvesIn addition to the theory of Integral Medicine, this handbook also offers practical support such as processing and redemption tips as well as guided meditations and film tips for holistic psychotherapy on your ownAn indispensable resource for anyone who wants to actively engage with their health and tackle their own learning challenges in order to lead a fulfilling and healthy lifeDescription:For over 25 years, "Illness as a Symbol" by Ruediger Dahlke has been an indispensable guide to holistic medicine and self-healing. In this completely revised and expanded new edition, the reader delves even deeper into the fascinating world of illness as a meaningful event. Dahlke understands illness as a way for the soul to make us aware of unresolved emotional conflicts and to lead us to awareness. It is crucial to understand the symbolic meanings of illness symptoms and to decode their messages.This handbook offers a comprehensive presentation of the philosophy and theory of Integral Medicine, enabling the reader to view illness as a holistic phenomenon. In addition to hundreds of clinical pictures with thousands of symptoms, the new edition also contains practical help for working on and solving the learning tasks that the illness presents us with on our own. With processing and redemption instructions as well as tips for guided meditations and films, this handbook becomes a kind of self-directed psychotherapy."Illness as a Symbol" is an indispensable reference work for anyone who wants to actively deal with their health and tackle their own learning tasks. It is a valuable companion on the path to a fulfilled and healthy life. Get the completely revised and expanded new edition of Ruediger Dahlke's holistic medicine bestseller now and discover the messages behind your symptoms.
ISBN: 978-3-570-10521-4
Publishers: Bertelsmann Verlag (main publisher), Bertelsmann Verlag (main publisher), C.Bertelsmann (main publisher)
Published 01/02/2023
Pages 859
Length 216,0mm
Width 148,0mm
Height 53,0mm
Weight 852,0gr
Language German
Libri-No. 2913489
Long/post COVID and mRNA vaccination side effects
What doctors and sufferers need to know
Over 40 of the best-known critical corona experts, including
scientists, doctors, self-help groups, health politicians who
have been critically examining corona since 2020,
present the current state of knowledge of their networks. What
we know about the development, cover-up, possible diagnostics, what
are the best aids in practice. Excess mortality and a peak
in infections continue to make the topic highly topical. We discuss
differential diagnostics as well as therapies and fundamentally new
solutions for a truly humane healthcare system.
Read what you don't get to see on public broadcasting
, but which stands up to scientific scrutiny. Suitable for doctors
as well as for those affected by and interested in the biggest
medical scandal the world has ever seen.
Methylene blue for beginners
The handbook on methylene blue offers comprehensive information and simple application of the blue all-round drug for diseases such as Alzheimer's, malaria, depression or cancer. Although these diseases are very different, there is one weapon that can successfully combat them all: Methylene blue, a straightforward dye that can do far more than just colour fabrics.Explore the versatile possibilities of this miracle product for yourself by grabbing the guide and immersing yourself in a blue world! Laboratories, doctors and the textile industry are equally enthusiastic about it: methylene blue, an inexpensive dye with a wide range of applications. Dyes can be used to colour tissue in order to detect harmful microorganisms. It can also be used as an antidote for chemical poisoning, as a medicine against malaria and as an effective virus killer. There are also areas of application in dementia and Alzheimer's therapy, cancer treatment, as an antidepressant and to increase concentration and alertness. Methylene blue has the potential to have a ground-breaking effect in many medical cases and is therefore also a useful addition to the medicine cabinet.This book provides all the relevant information on the effects, use, dosage, areas of application and adverse reactions in a concise and understandable form for laypersons, enabling you to make the best possible use of the blue wonder drug.Tired of theory? Don't worry, the latest scientific findings are presented in a way that is both exciting and easy to understand, and with instructions on how to use it yourself, you'll be able to put your new knowledge into practice straight away! Introduction to methylene blue: In a short time you will learn everything you need to know about the chemical properties, discovery, mode of action, areas of application and much more and become an expert on methylene blue in no time at all.Modern medicine offers a wide range of applications for methylene blue, be it in the removal of cancer, the treatment of Alzheimer's disease or in laboratory diagnostics. Browse through the numerous applications of this active ingredient.Useful application: Precise and straightforward information on areas of application, dosage, preparations, safety instructions as well as contraindications and side effects means you can effortlessly add the pigment substance to your home medicine chest.Use of alternative medicine: Find out how you can optimise disease prevention through the antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the pigment. Use immediately applicable supplementary measures such as diet, meditation, exercise etc. to achieve a holistic sense of well-being.This guide will introduce you to the many possible applications of methylene blue and show you how you can benefit from its many unique properties in your everyday life. Whether you suffer from specific ailments, want to optimally support an ongoing treatment or simply want to learn more about this fascinating active ingredient - this book will help you!
Mitochondrial therapy - The practice book
Mitochondrial therapy: revitalise your cellular power plants with holistic and easy-to-use methodsGet rid of persistent fatigue and sleep problems, allergies and autoimmune diseases as well as other complaints with holistic mitochondrial therapy.Find out all about the importance of mitochondria as the powerhouses of the cell and how you can revitalise them through various measures.Discover the power of plants and find out how you can support your mitochondria with medicinal plants, nutrient combinations, chlorophyll and more.Find out which nutritional habits boost your energy production and enjoy delicious recipes that strengthen your mitochondria.With detailed treatment programmes on various topics, you can combat specific ailments and achieve a holistic sense of well-being.Description of mitochondrial therapy Do you suffer from chronic fatigue, sleep problems, allergies or autoimmune diseases? Then the cause could be a malfunction of your mitochondria. These little powerhouses in our cells are responsible for providing energy in our body and therefore play an indispensable role in our health. However, factors such as chronic stress, a lack of micronutrients or inflammation can cause them to become unbalanced, resulting in various complaints.With holistic mitochondrial therapy, you can gently and naturally revitalise your mitochondria and thus achieve greater vitality and health. In this book, you will learn everything you need to know about these powerhouses of the cell and then familiarise yourself with various methods such as micronutrient therapy, detoxification of heavy metals, exercise, medicinal plant therapy and nutrition.You do not need any previous medical or biological training, as the measures are easy to apply and are described in detail. However, you will learn a great deal about the most important connections in your body. Discover the power of plants and learn how medicinal plants, selected nutrient combinations, chlorophyll and more can support your mitochondria.The right diet also plays a decisive role in the health of our mitochondria. Whether it's an alkaline diet, gut health, a plant-based diet or the power of herbs and sprouts - in this book you will find out which eating habits boost your mitochondria and can feast your way through numerous delicious recipes.practical treatment programmes on various topics such as heavy metal detoxification, mental hygiene, anti-inflammatory therapy, sexuality, skin or healthy ageing enable you to combat specific ailments and achieve a holistic sense of well-being. With the practical 4-week therapy plan in the Bonustei.
Starve cancer without starving yourself
Is it possible to stop the growth of tumour cells by avoiding sugar in the diet? Or does this depend on the specific type of cancer and cannot be generalised? Jane McLelland has experienced the disease herself: 15 years ago she was diagnosed with advanced stage IV cervical cancer with lung metastases and was considered to be beyond treatment.Apart from traditional medical therapy, consisting of surgery and chemotherapy, she herself investigated as a test subject which substances and medicines also have cancer-fighting effects and used them as an additional treatment outside the official authorisation.A symbiotic combination of a diet that starves cancer cells, in conjunction with potent additives and a number of well-known drugs that - more by chance - also work against cancer.In her work, she presents a map that makes it possible to recognise how different types of cancer "feed" themselves and how to proceed according to the diagnosis in order to interrupt the flow of nutrients to the cancer cells. The unauthorised drugs seem to be the crucial element needed to defeat the disease.The book provides answers to questions that arise automatically when patients consider alternative treatment options in addition to conventional medical therapy: Which medicines can be used outside their original marketing authorisation? Which dietary supplements strengthen a weakened organism? Is a ketogenic diet recommended? Is fasting allowed? Which fats are beneficial for health? Should you exercise and if so, what kind of physical activity is suitable? The author explains why each approach must be individualised - not only because of the diversity of people, but also depending on the type of cancer.
The miraculous liver and gallbladder cleanse
In the latest, expanded version of his successful book, Andreas Moritz has uncovered the most popular and often overlooked cause of disease - gallstones, numerous tiny obstructions in the liver's bile ducts.Blockage of the liver ducts can not only lead to gallbladder dysfunction and biliary colic, but can also serve as a trigger for more serious, seemingly unrelated diseases such as obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer. This book provides an insight into the functions of the liver.What are the causes of gallstones and what measures can be taken in advance? The reader is provided with all the background information and detailed instructions on how to remove them effortlessly and without discomfort while in the comfort of their own home.For a large number of people, liver and gallbladder detoxification has led to extraordinary improvements in health and well-being. In addition to detailed instructions on how to cleanse the liver, gallbladder, kidneys and intestines, Andreas Moritz also explains how the most common diseases develop and how they can be prevented or even reversed naturally.The book presents a wealth of established methods that help to harmonise the body and give it fresh energy.There is an additional initiative that deals with maintaining health. It is based on the ancient medicine of Ayurveda and on the immense wealth of knowledge that Andreas Moritz has acquired in over 30 years. The current version has been expanded to include numerous chapters and illustrations by Andreas Moritz, which are of crucial importance for successful implementation.He mentions other factors influencing the development of gallstones and explains the disadvantages of a diet rich in meat and fish. He also discusses the risks of medications that are intended to lower cholesterol levels and deals in detail with the subject of vaccinations.The updated section on the practicalities of liver cleansing offers more alternative options to the ingredients and treatments previously used. There is also information on how to help yourself in the event of biliary colic.
The natural pharmacy
Healing and strengthening with the power of nature
Healing, protecting and strengthening with plants:Liesel Malm, the Hessian herbalist Liesel, would like to share her valuable
knowledge with all
people who already know the power of nature or want to learn about it
.Even the author's grandmother knew how to use the gifts
of nature for healing. For Kräuter-Liesel, this was the
foundation for her life's work. She continued to expand her wealth of knowledge and
experience. Now comes her first big natural pharmacy
all about the family.If you want to know which herb is grown for which
illness and in what form it can be used, you will find it here
. This book will help you to get well and feel
well again.
Hardcover, paperback, 304 pages, 21.0 x 26.0 cm
illustrated throughout in colour
illustrated in colour throughout
ISBN: 978-3-8094-3649-2
Published on 06 March 2017
Liesel Malm
Liesel Malm (1933-2021) was
introduced to herbal knowledge by her grandmother as a child
. After a serious illness with cancer, she focussed entirely on
herbs and healthy living, attended specialist seminars and studied
numerous books. In her garden, everything that is good for your health
was green and blooming. The herb woman was known in the Westerwald and
beyond as "Kräuter-Liesel".
The new anti-cancer diet
Active against cancer! Nutrition as an important factor in the fight against cancer - Over 60 recipes for a low-carb and healthy dietThe right diet plays a decisive role in the fight against cancer.A low-carbohydrate diet can increase the sensitivity of cancer cells to chemotherapy and radiotherapy and thus improve the chances of recovery.Healthy fatty acids and high-quality protein provide important energy for the body and support healthy cells.Natural plant substances from food can support the body in the fight against cancer.Over 60 varied recipes show how you can eat healthily and at the same time deprive cancer cells of their favourite food source.Active against cancer! Nutrition plays a decisive role in the fight against cancer. Studies have shown that cancer cells have a high affinity for sugar and can even spread more quickly with a high-sugar diet. At the same time, they develop defence mechanisms that protect them from attacks by the body's own immune system and also from common treatment methods such as chemotherapy and radiotherapy. However, a significant reduction in carbohydrates before and during treatment can help to change the metabolism of the cancer cells in such a way that they become more sensitive to the therapies and thus significantly improve the chances of recovery.In addition to a low-carbohydrate diet, the intake of healthy fatty acids and high-quality protein is also very important. These provide important energy for the body and support healthy cells, while depriving cancer cells of the basis for their growth. In addition, natural plant substances from food can support the body in the fight against cancer and strengthen the immune system.To help you eat a healthy and varied diet, this book contains over 60 recipes specifically designed for a low-carb diet. From savoury dishes to sweet treats, there is something for every taste. In addition, there is a comprehensive food table in the book flaps based on the traffic light principle to help you choose the right foods and control your carbohydrate intake.Cancer is a serious disease that requires holistic treatment. A healthy diet can play an important role in this and support the body in its fight against cancer. Be inspired by the recipes in this book and take your health into your own hands.
The vagus nerve as an inner anchor
We all know situations in which we overreact. However, we
can train our nervous system to respond to the world with more
ease and calm. In this practical user guide , you will learn how to use the Polyvagal Theory
to move from a place of fear and panic to a grounded state of
equilibrium. Internationally renowned therapist Deb
Dana explains how you can utilise your vagus nerve, which sends signals
directly from your body to your brain. In numerous exercises, meditations and self-observations ,
she shows how you can work with this innate ability of the body
to cope with stress, conflicts and physical complaints.
In this way, we create moments of safety in which we can anchor ourselves
. With a foreword by Stephen W. Porges, the founder of the Polyvagal Theory
"Deb Dana explains the rightly celebrated Polyvagal Theory by
Stephen W. Porges in clear and concise language for the layperson. Through
simple exercises, she opens up a new understanding of our
autonomic nervous system. She shows how we can make it our friend and use
its healing powers to connect with ourselves and our
Dr Gabor Maté, author of "When the body says no" (31 May 2021)
Translated from
Ursula Bischoff
Original title: Anchored. How to befriend your nervous system using polyvagal.
Original publisher: Sounds True
With foreword by
Stephen W. Porges
Paperback, softcover, 272 pages, 13.5 x 21.5 cm, 8 b/w illustrations
ISBN: 978-3-466-34786-5
Published on 26 April 2022
Deb Dana is a therapist and consultant to the Traumatic Stress Research Consortium at the Kinsey Institute, author of The Polyvagal Theory in Therapy, and co-editor of Clinical Applications of Polyvagal Theory.
Deb Dana uses Polyvagal Theory to find solutions to the
effects of trauma in our lives. She has developed a
training programme called Rhythm of Regulation, teaches
internationally and specialises in using the possibilities and
insights of Polyvagal Theory for clinical work with
trauma survivors.
Zeolite - vitality through the primary rock
Over the past two decades, the mineral zeolite has been increasingly used in medicine worldwide for both therapeutic and preventive purposes, supported by scientific research. Various publications deal with the effects of natural clinoptilolite zeolite as a biological regulator and healing agent (health-promoting substances) in the human organism [K. Hecht; E.The publications of Hecht-Savoley (2005, 2008) have generated considerable international and national resonance and stimulated a new approach to the maintenance and reconstruction of health and the understanding of a natural way of life. As a result, many readers have expressed a desire for more scientific information on the mineral zeolite.This book fulfils this wish by describing in detail the use of natural zeolite in the areas of prevention, detoxification hygiene and environmental protection. In the chapter "Research and reports by doctors on the health-promoting effects of optimised natural zeolite", the latest scientific findings on the effects of natural zeolite are presented.The two-component effect of the tuff is analysed in detail, looking at both the structural effect of zeolite and the effect of the colloidal silicon released in the human body. These aspects are emphasised as modern society is forced to live in an environment characterised by pollution and stress.To prevent the slow poisoning, it is essential to resort to detoxification hygiene. It demonstrates how the use of natural clinoptilolite zeolites can improve impaired living and working conditions and thus take preventive action against disease.The detoxifying effect of clinoptilolite zeolite on ammonium and heavy metal pollution and its antioxidant effect are reported. The ability of this rock to bind radionuclides is also explained with reference to the Chernobyl reactor disaster in 1986. In addition, outdated assumptions are corrected in comparison with the current state of research.The chapter "Aluminium, aluminium silicates, aluminium-Alzheimer myth" serves as an example. There are different types of zeolite, which is why criteria for quality are presented, which suppliers should definitely prove. Doctors, alternative practitioners, ecologists and people who are interested in natural products will find plenty of inspiration.The publication is written on a sound scientific basis, but in an understandable form for both non-experts and specialists. An extensive list of sources provides access to relevant scientific works.