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Fireside chats Frequency therapy
What are NLS fireside chats?
For us, fireside chats mean informal meetings in a small circle (max. 10) of people on a specific topic. Our meetings ensure a personal atmosphere and should lead to a fruitful dialogue among like-minded people.
Included in the price is:
Drinks during the event (water, coffee, tea, wine without copper, beer, etc.)
Bread rolls during the event
We discuss the possibilities and chances of frequency therapy in a personal setting and offer a platform of different currents, no matter if conventional medicine, alternative practitioners or energetics.
Organisational details
Date: According to selectionTime: 15:00 to open end (max. 24:00)Location: Austria - 3180 Lilienfeld - Babenbergerstrasse 21
Accommodation in Lilienfeld
We recommend these accommodations:https://www.frequenz-therapie.com/themen/frequenztherapie-in-oesterreich/uebernachtungsmoeglichkeiten