- Frequency systems
- Tumours benign (benign)
- Tumour malignant (malignant)
- Polyps
- Cysts
- Viruses
- Bacteria
- Dermatology and frequencies
- Gynaecology and frequencies
- Diseases and frequencies
- Neoplasia and frequency therapy
- Pathogens and frequency therapy
- Esotericism and frequency therapy
- Hydrogen - frequency therapy
- Topics Electrosmog
- KE herbs blog
- Frequency therapy basis
- Biozapper
- Hunter 4025 - Meta Hunter
- Frequency therapy in Austria
- Health in general
- Element theory
- Mycotherapy
- Vital field
- Allergies
- Acid-base balance
- Fungal diseases
- Buchempfehlungen
- Komplementäre Medizin
- Supplements
- E-Smog
- Frequencies | Diseases
- Analysis | Consulting
- Education
Einzelschulung Team-Viewer 30 Minuten
NLS Hunter 4025 or Meta Hunter individual training in German language
We answer your questions about your NLS device Hunter 4025 or Meta Hunter.
This training is individual only for you and will be held via Team-Viewer.
Payment of the meeting before the start of the course
Questions by e-mail ( 2 days before the event), so that the course can be organised efficiently for you
Easy connection via Team-Viewer
NLS systems are not scientifically proven and therefore no diagnoses of actual measurements can be discussed in the meeting for legal reasons.
Einzelschulung Team-Viewer 60 Minuten
NLS Hunter 4025 or Meta Hunter individual training in German language
We answer your questions about your NLS device Hunter 4025 or Meta Hunter.
This training is individual only for you and will be held via Team-Viewer.
Payment of the meeting before the start of the course
Questions by e-mail ( 2 days before the event), so that the course can be organised efficiently for you
Easy connection via Team-Viewer
NLS systems are not scientifically proven and therefore no diagnoses of actual measurements can be discussed in the meeting for legal reasons.
Manual frequency programmes
We receive enquiries about frequency programmes and related assistance on a daily basis.
As we have one of the world's largest databases on frequency therapy, we are happy to provide you with expertise at any time.
When you book this article, the booking applies to one programme (diagnosis, pathogen, etc.) at a time
The booking defines the frequency lists, but not the associated therapy plans.
After booking and payment you will receive an automatic booking confirmation from us.
Please reply to this with the frequency lists you require.
You will then receive these lists by e-mail within 24 hours (Monday - Friday).
Programming frequencies
Programming frequencies
we programme individual frequencies for you for:
Biotrohn (please note update)
Super Ravo Zapper
Plasma generator RPZ 14
Plasma generator RPZ 15
Athon 5
Maximum of 30 individual programmes per unit
Remote maintenance per 30 minutes
Technical support for NLS devices:
We charge € 2 gross per minute for remote maintenance.The smallest bookable unit is 30 minutes at € 60,---If the time required is less than 15 minutes, we charge € 30,-- and the rest will be refunded to your means of payment.
Service contract / year
We advise the service recipient by telephone and in writing on technical and user-related issues relating to our appliances for sale.This service contract includes 120 minutes of customer service per year. The service time includes advice and all related work as well as the option of remote maintenance via the Internet and the programming of frequency programmes.The time worked is recorded by the service provider and communicated to the service recipient on request.Once the 120 minutes of service time in the contract year have been used up, the service recipient will be informed. If the service recipient so wishes, additional services will be carried out and invoiced separately
Telephone counselling (time slot up to 15 minutes)
Advice on frequency therapy
Whether doctor, therapist, energy practitioner or private user.
There are always questions about the application or therapy schemes in frequency therapy.
Having worked in this field for over 20 years, I am happy to provide you with information.
Please understand that you will not receive any conventional medical advice from me. I only advise on frequency therapy and its possibilities in combination with conventional medicine
Once you have booked the article, you will be contacted and a time slot will be defined where you can ask your questions.
I look forward to your conversation.
Languages in which I can communicate with you:
German, English
English, German
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