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Encounters 3 - Moon over the mountains

Effective relaxation - the gentle path to the possibilities within yourself. With musical ease and the finest sounds, BEGEGNUNGEN 3 takes us to the Far East, to cultures that have known how to relax with music and rhythm for thousands of years

Product information "Encounters 3 - Moon over the mountains"

Effective relaxation - the gentle way to the possibilities within yourself.

With musical ease and the finest sounds, BEGEGNUNGEN 3 takes us to the Far East, to cultures that have known for thousands of years how to relax and heal with music and rhythm. Our musical journey goes from Germany via Latvia to Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, China, Tibet, through Nepal to the area of bordering northern India. On the way we met two young Japanese, Tomio Tremmel and Naoki Kenji, whose musical contributions to BEGEGNUNGEN 3 are very pleasantly modern. Their gently grooving music is used at the beginning of the main and short version in the transient phase, where it is particularly suitable for immediately letting the soul dangle and letting go of the everyday step by step on the way to relaxation. In the awakening phase, at the end of the main and short version, it awakens the spirits and leads the listener back to the here and now

Something special are the musical contributions of Zaiga Vilde from Latvia. She plays the Latvian national instrument Kokle, a kind of table harp, in the rare 32-string concert version. With her playing style and the simple and natural sound of the instrument, she touches people's hearts. Zaiga Vilde has just finished her studies in German at the University of Giessen and works in the worldwide humanitarian aid organisation Gain (Global Aid Network).

In addition to the use of numerous Far Eastern natural instruments, the Wu Wei sound chimes built by Ingo Siddhartha Hammerich in Title 10 "Wind in Janakpur" are worthy of special mention. The high-quality wind chime instrument unfolds with its overtone-rich, delicate acoustics a very harmonizing effect on body, soul and spirit. Track 10 is therefore a particularly calming station on our musical journey, and it can also trigger extraordinary feelings.

The medical aspect of the proven effect of special binaural beatings on relaxation, meditation and the promotion of self-healing processes is the focus of BEGEGNUNGEN 3. The third CD in the series was created with the greatest care, again taking into account the scientific guidelines that originally applied to BEGEGNUNGEN 1.

The integrated 15-minute short version is particularly attractive. Unlike its predecessors, it is not a musical concentrate of the main version, but consists of completely new music titles. This makes for a pleasant change, especially for those listeners who like to work with the main and short versions in succession. The short version of BEGEGNUNGEN 3 naturally also contains a therapeutically correct sequence of the tried and tested sinus tone combinations.

BEGEGNUNGEN 3 again breaks new ground in music therapy.

New sounds, natural arrangements, the soothing melodies of ethnic instruments and a further optimised use of the integrated sine tones are intended to take the listener one step further on his path to effective relaxation.

A successful settling in and letting go at the beginning of our music therapy can significantly intensify the relaxation phase that follows. In the starting phases of BEGEGNUNGEN 3 (tracks 1, 2, 3 and 14) we have therefore used certain lightly pulsating rhythms which are particularly suitable for this therapeutic goal. So at the beginning of your relaxation exercises, feel free to allow a physical resonance to take place. This is desired and helpful. Also in the wake-up phase, i.e. at the end of the main and short version (tracks 12 and 17), a gentle rhythm helps you to leave the musical relaxation phase and to arrive in the here and now in a positive mood.

The main and the short version are rounded off by enchanting symphonic arranged titles, which despite their lightness have a deep emotional effect and are also real "encouragers" (titles 11 and 16).

Information on the manufacturer (information obligations under the GPSR Product Safety Regulation)
NLS Informationsmedizin GmbH
Babenbergerstrasse 21
3180 Lilienfeld, Österreich

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