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Increase pulse rate temp. by charging
Increase pulse frequency temporarily by charging
Increase pulse frequency temporarily up to 20 Hz by charging *) with X - 100K pulse contingents
*) Charging or upgrading is done by entering a 6-digit code number into the Parapulser® by the user.
miniZAP komplett im Koffer
Scope of delivery:
1 x miniZAP model LCD " Beck" incl. Velcro tape,
2 x gold electrodes,
1 x electrode cable,
1 x electrode gel 100 g,
1 x instruction manual.
The miniZAP® is worn on the wrist like a wristwatch and sets new standards worldwide in terms of user-friendliness, flexibility, user information and performance. The miniZAP® was developed strictly according to the specifications of Dr. Robert C. Beck, the inventor of the so-called blood zapper (Beck Zapper). The microprocessor-controlled miniZAP® generates an electrical output current of up to 1000 µA, allowing far more than the critical 50-100 µA of electrifying current to flow into the wrist arteries. Specially designed gold electrodes and a special electrode gel to increase skin conductivity, ensure effective energy transfer with minimal loss to the surrounding tissue. The small dimensions and exceptionally low weight of only 23 g are achieved by using state-of-the-art microelectronics. The miniZAP® is completely manufactured in Germany. The hardware and software development was carried out by Mikas Elektronik Entwicklungen. It is extremely robust and reliable and comes with a two-year warranty.
What does a zapper do? A zapper (especially the Beck zapper or blood zapper) energises the body by means of weak alternating currents via the skin and strengthens its performance and regeneration capacity on the bioelectrical level. Users report a spontaneous increase in energy and general well-being. The application is completely harmless and can be carried out by anyone without hesitation. Lasting results can be seen after just a few days to weeks.
Why a "MINI" Beck Zapper?
A Beck Zapper is used for up to six weeks at a time, for two or more hours a day. Therefore, it is essential that weight and size are minimised and the "device intelligence" optimised so that the zapper can be worn inconspicuously in any situation without hesitation (unless you are specifically asked to explain the "little wonder" ;-). The miniZAP® is the world's first Beck Zapper to be powered by a standard 3V button cell. However, don't let the word "mini" fool you - its maximum output current of 1000 µA is much higher than you can usually stand (400-600 µA is the limit of what you can bear, even with low skin resistance). Due to its complex circuitry, its running costs are extremely low (the miniZAP® LCD's battery lasts over 100 hours at 400 µA output current). The miniZAP® is the only zapper with 100% true constant current control.
The LCD display is also a world first for a Beck Zapper. The precise control of current, voltage, time and operating signals ensures uncomplicated and very reliable operation during the six-week application. See also the questions and answers, as well as our comparison study with nine well-known Beck zappers.
Parapulser 10 Hz
With up to 10 Hz pulse frequency, the SEMIPRO device also covers frequencies such as the Schumann frequency (7.83 Hz). In comparison, the maximum induction power corresponds to 40 times that of all known sub-Hertz pulsers.
Standard frequency range: 1 - 10 Hz (expandable up to 20 Hz, see upgrade options)
Free recharge with 2 - 100K pulse contingents (200,000 magnetic pulses) for temporary increase of pulse frequency up to 20 Hz.
Parapulser 2 Hz
BASIS (2 Hz)
With a pulse frequency of up to 2 Hz, the BASIS unit achieves an induction power approx. 8 times higher than all known sub-Hertz pulsers (see comparison).
Standard frequency range: 1 - 2 Hz (expandable up to 20 Hz, see upgrade options)
Free recharge with 2 - 100K pulse contingents (200,000 magnetic pulses) for temporary increase of pulse frequency up to 20 Hz.
Parapulser 20 Hz
PRO (20 Hz)
The PRO version is aimed at professional users who require the maximum frequency of 20 Hz on a permanent basis. In comparison, the maximum induction power corresponds to 80 times that of all known sub-hertz pulsers.
Standard frequency range: 1 - 20 Hz (no upgrade as maximum level)
Upgrade options: none since maximum level
Pulsfrequenz dauerhaft bis 10 Hz
Increase pulse frequency permanently up to 10 Hz by upgrade
Increase pulse frequency permanently up to 10 Hz by upgrading *) to SEMIPRO (10 Hz)
*) Charging or upgrade is done by entering a 6-digit code number into the Parapulser® by the user.
Pulsfrequenz dauerhaft bis 20 Hz
Increase pulse frequency permanently up to 20 Hz by upgrade
Increase pulse frequency permanently up to 20 Hz by upgrading *) to SEMIPRO (10 Hz)
*) Charging or upgrade is done by entering a 6-digit code number into the Parapulser® by the user.
Pulsfrequenz dauerhaft bis 20 Hz
Increase pulse frequency permanently up to 20 Hz by upgrade
Increase pulse frequency permanently up to 20 Hz by upgrading *) to SEMIPRO (10 Hz)
*) Charging or upgrade is done by entering a 6-digit code number into the Parapulser® by the user.