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Filter products
Simple operation
- Targeted and effective treatment of acute and chronic pain.
- Home Care approval for use at home
- Independent of time and place
Medical authorisation
- Class IIa medical device according to Annex IX, Rule 9, MDD
- Integrated Tesla coil technology, enhanced with diamonds (only with Vegetharmony)
- Various forms of therapy possible (burst, modulation, continuous)
unlimited possibilities
- customised therapy programmes available
- over 600 different frequency programmes available
- continuous further development and optimisation of the therapy programmes
Integrated Tesla technology
- The Tesla coil technology built into the VEGETMED/HARMONY ensures that the current flowing out of the device is transformed and therefore has a more targeted effect
The mode of actionDepending
on the type of pain, areas of the tissue must be "stimulated" or stimulated at different depths. The diameter of the nerve fibres responsible for pain transmission varies in the individual layers. As a result, they react differently to frequencies
, and high frequencies and low intensities are used for acute pain. This stimulates the large nerve fibres that lie closer to the surface of the skin.
aim here is to stop the acute pain without achieving a longer-lasting effect.
low frequencies and high intensities are used for chronic pain. This stimulates the deepest levels of the tissue and causes muscle contractions, which lead to the release of neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, endorphins, etc.) and ensure a lasting reduction in the subjective sensation of pain
the programmes included and the frequency programmes prescribed by a doctor are precisely tailored to this technique and offer you advantages in treatment
VegetHarmony consisting of:
VegetHARMONY basic unit
Storage case
Adhesive and sponge electrodes
Cable set
Chip card
Standard programs:
TENS 100, 100Hz acute pain
TENS 20, 20Hz subacute pain
TENS 10, 10Hz subacute pain
TENS 2, 2Hz chronic pain
Indication programs:
Acute headache
Headache chronic
Acute jaw pain
Acute shoulder pain
Rib pain acute
Acute back pain
Chronic back pain
Pelvic pain acute
Menstrual pain acute
Neuropathy chronic
Phantom limb pain chronic
Osteoarthritis chronic
Acute arthritis
Chronic hemorrhoid pain
Lyme disease pain combi
The chip card contains the following programs:
7-20-7-20-7 according to Dr. Clark
Duration 1 hour zapping
Golden Harmony
Meridian balance
Emotional balance
Stress - Regeneration
Sleep aid
Positive charisma
Hormone program
Common cold
Lyme disease
Beck 3.92 Hz
VegetMed bestehend aus:
Klebe und Schwammelektroden
TENS 100, 100Hz akuter Schmerz
TENS 20, 20Hz subakuter Schmerz
TENS 10, 10Hz subakuter Schmerz
TENS 2, 2Hz chronischer Schmerz
Kopfschmerz akut
Kopfschmerz chronisch
Kieferschmerz akut
Schulterschmerz akut
Rippenschmerz akut
Rückenschmerz akut
Rückenschmerz chronisch
Beckenschmerz akut
Menstruationsschmerz akut
Neuropathie chronisch
Phantomschmerz chronisch
Arthrose chronisch
Arthritis akut
Hämorrhoidenschmerz chronisch
Borrelioseschmerz Kombi
Die Chipkarte enthält nachstehende Programme:
7-20-7-20-7 nach Dr. Clark
Dauer 1 Std. Zapping
Beck 3,92 Hz