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Lexicon: A
Alcohol addiction and frequency therapy
Definition of alcohol addiction:
Alcohol addiction, also known as alcohol dependence or alcoholism, is a chronic disorder characterised by an uncontrolled craving for alcohol, continued consumption despite negative consequences and physical dependence.
The development of alcohol addiction is multifactorial and can be influenced by a combination of genetic, psychological, social and environmental factors. These include family history, stress, social influences and mental health problems.
- Strong craving for alcohol.
- Loss of control over the amount drunk.
- Development of tolerance, i.e. the need to drink ever larger quantities in order to achieve the same effect.
- Withdrawal symptoms when not drinking, such as trembling, sweating, nausea and anxiety.
- Neglect of obligations and interests in favour of alcohol consumption.
Diagnosis is made through a thorough history and assessment of drinking habits, often using standardised questionnaires and criteria as described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).
Treatment for alcohol addiction may include:
- Detoxification (medically supervised withdrawal treatment).
- Psychotherapy, such as cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT).
- Self-help groups, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA).
- Medication that reduces the craving for alcohol or blocks the effects of alcohol.
- Education about the risks of alcohol abuse.
- Promoting the responsible use of alcohol.
- Support and intervention for people at risk.
Worth knowing:
- Alcohol addiction can lead to serious health problems, including liver damage, heart disease, mental disorders and an increased risk of accidents.
- The disease affects people worldwide and can occur regardless of age, gender or social status.
Research focuses on the development of new treatment methods, the genetic and neurological basis of addiction and prevention strategies to reduce the abuse of alcohol.
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