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16 Posts in this encyclopedia categoryBacilli: Focus on rod-shaped bacteria
Bacilli are rod-shaped bacteria found in a wide variety of environments. They can be harmless, beneficial or pathogenic, with some forming spores to withstand extreme conditions. Their medical, ecological and industrial importance is enormous.
Bacillus anthracis
Bacillus anthracis is the causative agent of anthrax. The bacterium belongs to the group of gram-positive bacteria and, together with other bacteria, forms the Bacillaceae family.
Back pain and frequency therapy
Back pain is a common complaint that involves pain or discomfort in the back. It can be acute or chronic and affects people of all ages. Back pain is one of the most common causes of incapacity for work and visits to the doctor.
Bacteria and frequency therapy
Bacteria are microscopically small, single-celled organisms that belong to the prokaryotes. They do not have a real cell nucleus and their DNA is freely present in the cytoplasm.
Bacteria: Morphological classifications
Bacteria are classified according to their morphology, such as shape and structure. The main forms are cocci (spherical), bacilli (rod-shaped), spirillae (spiral-shaped), spirochetes (flexible body) and vibrios (comma-shaped). This diversity supports adaptation and function.
Benign tumours and frequency therapy
Gutartige Tumore sind nicht-invasive Zellwucherungen, die in ihrem Ursprungsgewebe bleiben und keine Metastasen bilden. Sie wachsen meist langsam und sind häufig symptomlos, können jedoch je nach Lage Beschwerden verursachen. Beispiele sind Lipome, Fibrome, Adenome und Hämangiome. In der Regel können sie erfolgreich behandelt oder entfernt werden.
Benjamin Franklin
Learn how Benjamin Franklin's experiments with electricity in the 18th century laid the foundation for frequency therapy. His pioneering research and applications of electrical currents influenced modern medical methods for pain management, muscle rehabilitation and healing.
Beta-haemolytic streptococci and frequency therapy
Beta-haemolytic streptococci are a group of bacteria belonging to the genus Streptococcus and are characterised by their ability to completely lyse (dissolve) red blood cells. These bacteria are identified on blood agar plates where they form clear zones around their colonies.
Bioelectricity w [from *bio -, Greek ēlektron=amber], encompasses all phenomena of an electromagnetic nature (bioelectromagnetic fields) that are causally linked to the vital activity of organisms. The functional basis of sensory, nerve and muscle cells is based on the generation, transmission and processing of electrical impulses that contain information
Blood electrification
The term blood electrification is a description of the process of purifying the human blood by applying a light electric current to it
Blood pressure
Blood pressure is the pressure that the circulating blood exerts on the walls of the blood vessels. It is an essential component of the cardiovascular system and is measured in millimetres of mercury (mmHg). Blood pressure is indicated by two values: systolic and diastolic pressure.
Bone marrow
The Bone marrow ( medulla ossium in Latin) is a connective and stem cell tissue contained in the larger bones of vertebrates, which is used for haematopoiesis (formation of blood cells), among other things.
Bone tissue
Bone tissue is a specialised supporting tissue that provides the body with stability, protection and movement. It stores minerals, supports haematopoiesis in the bone marrow and renews itself continuously. A healthy lifestyle promotes the strength and health of bone tissue.
Bunya virus
Bunyaviridae are a family of negative single-stranded RNA viruses that are mainly transmitted to humans by vectors (mosquitoes, fleas and ticks).