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Detox and frequency therapy
Detox, short for detoxification, refers to the process of detoxifying the body of harmful substances. In popular health and wellness culture, detox often refers to diets, programmes or products that claim to cleanse the body of toxins and improve health.
Concepts and methods:
- Detox diets:
diet plans that often involve eliminating processed foods, sugar, caffeine and alcohol. They focus on the consumption of fruit, vegetables, water and herbal teas. - Juice diets:
A form of detox diet in which solid food is replaced by fruit and vegetable juices. - Fasting:
Voluntary abstinence from food for a certain period of time in order to give the body a "break". - Detoxification products:
Dietary supplements, teas or patches that claim to support detoxification.
- Promote weight loss - Improve digestion
- Increase energy levels
- Improve skin health
- Support liver and kidney function
Scientific perspective:
- The human body has natural detoxification systems, mainly the liver, kidneys, skin and digestive system, which work continuously to remove waste and toxins.
- There is limited scientific evidence that commercial detox diets or products improve detoxification beyond what the body is already doing.
Criticism and risks:
- Some detox diets can lead to nutritional deficiencies, especially if they are extremely restrictive.
- Prolonged fasting or the exclusive consumption of juices can lead to dizziness, fatigue and other health problems.
- Some detox products may contain harmful ingredients or interact with medications.
Recommended approaches:
- A balanced diet with plenty of fruit, vegetables, wholemeal products and lean protein supports the body's natural detoxification processes.
- Adequate fluid intake, regular exercise and sufficient sleep promote general health and well-being.
Worth knowing:
- Detox cures are popular in the wellness industry, but their effectiveness and safety are often controversial.
- A healthy lifestyle is the most effective way to support the body in its natural detoxification processes.
Research on detox diets and products is limited, and there is a need for more studies to better understand their potential benefits and risks. Scientists are focussing on investigating the role of diet and lifestyle in supporting the body's natural detoxification mechanisms.