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Dr Richard Loyd and frequency therapy
Dr Richard Loyd and frequency therapy
Dr Richard Loyd is a renowned researcher and practitioner in the field of frequency therapy. This form of therapy utilises specific frequencies to treat health problems and promote well-being. Dr Loyd has made significant contributions to the refinement and application of this method.
Frequency therapy
Frequency therapy is based on the idea that certain frequencies can destroy or inhibit the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms. This method was originally developed by Dr Royal Rife in the 1930s, who discovered that certain frequencies could kill cancer cells.
Dr Loyd developed Dr Rife's work further and refined the frequencies to achieve better results. He found that the frequency of 12,830,000 Hz was particularly effective and could destroy not only the BX virus but also the BY virus. This discovery revolutionised the use of frequency therapy and led to remarkable successes in the treatment of cancer.
Application of the frequencies
The application of frequencies requires technical knowledge and precision. It is important to use sweeps to detect mutations of pathogenic microorganisms. A sweep is often noted as "sweep +/- 200", meaning that a sweep should be performed 200 Hz above and below the main signal.
Dr Loyd also emphasised the importance of the correct waveform. A square wave that contains harmonics is particularly useful in the fight against pathogens.
The work of Dr Richard Loyd has significantly advanced frequency therapy and offers a promising method for treating cancer and other health problems. Through continuous research and refinement of the methods, remarkable results can be achieved.
For more information, see this article on Royal Rife Frequency for Cancer.