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9 Posts in this encyclopedia categoryEdwald Jürgen von Kleist
Ewald Jürgen von Kleist (1700-1748) was a German physicist who developed the Leiden bottle, the first electrical capacitor. His work laid important foundations for modern frequency therapy and the medical application of electric fields.
Electric eels and frequency therapy
Electric eels (Electrophorus electricus), also known as electric eels, are fascinating fish that can generate electric fields. Their specific characteristic of generating electric shocks made them objects of interest in ancient times and possibly early tools for therapeutic purposes.
Electromagnetic fields and tumour cells
However, there are still many unanswered questions about the efficacy and safety of EMF treatment for cancer.
Electrotherapy is a form of medical treatment that uses electrical currents to treat health complaints. Frequency therapy, a specialised form of electrotherapy, uses electrical or electromagnetic frequencies to relieve pain, rehabilitate muscles and promote healing.
Electrotherapy uses electrical currents to relieve pain, rehabilitate muscles and promote healing. Find out more about the history, applications, benefits and risks of this versatile form of medical treatment.
Endocarditis and Staphylococcus aureus
Endocarditis is a severe inflammation of the inner lining of the heart, often caused by *Staphylococcus aureus*. It affects the heart valves and can be life-threatening. Symptoms such as fever, fatigue and heart murmurs require rapid diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics or surgery. Prevention through hygiene and early treatment is crucial.
Ernst Chladni
Ernst Chladni was a German physicist and musician who is often referred to as the "father of acoustics". He is particularly well known for his research in the field of vibration theory and acoustics, especially for the discovery of the Chladni figures named after him.
Escherichia coli and frequency therapy
Escherichia coli (E. coli) is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that occurs naturally in the intestines of humans and animals. While most strains are harmless and play an important role in the digestive tract, some pathogenic strains can cause serious infections.