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9 Posts in this encyclopedia categoryFasciolopsis buski and frequency therapy
Fasciolopsis buski is a parasitic flatworm that belongs to the class of trematodes. It is the largest known intestinal fluke that can infest the human intestine and is mainly found in South and Southeast Asia. Infection with this parasite is known as fasciolopsiasis.
Fatty tissue
Adipose tissue is a special connective tissue that stores energy, protects organs and insulates the body. There is white adipose tissue for energy storage and brown adipose tissue for heat production. A balanced diet and regular exercise promote the health of fatty tissue and support important metabolic functions.
A fibroma is a benign growth of connective tissue that is usually harmless and grows slowly. There are different types of fibroma, such as soft, hard and subcutaneous fibroma, which differ in their appearance and localisation. Usually asymptomatic, they can be easily treated if necessary.
Flatulence and frequency therapy
Flatulence, also known colloquially as bloating, describes the accumulation and expulsion of gas in the gastrointestinal tract. This process, which is caused by the digestion of food or swallowed air, can be uncomfortable or embarrassing. Common causes include eating gas-forming foods, food intolerances, indigestion and swallowing air. Symptoms include frequent passing of gas, bloating, abdominal pain and rumbling noises in the abdomen. Diagnosis is usually based on symptoms, and treatment includes dietary changes, medication and probiotics. Preventive measures include a balanced diet, physical activity and adequate hydration.
Flexner Report
The Flexner Report of 1910 revolutionised medical education and set strict scientific standards. This promoted the scientific validation of new therapeutic approaches such as frequency therapy, which is based on electrical and electromagnetic fields.
Franklin era
The Franklin era in electrotherapy in the 18th century marks the time when Benjamin Franklin and his contemporaries researched the use of electricity for medical treatment. Franklin's pioneering experiments laid the foundations for modern electrotherapy and demonstrated the positive influence of electric currents on pain treatment, wound healing and nerve disorders.
Franz Anton Mesmer
Franz Anton Mesmer (1734-1815) was a German doctor and scientist known for his animal magnetism, which later led to mesmerism. His theories on magnetic and electric currents in the body laid the foundation for the development of electrotherapy. Mesmer's work influenced the scientific research and therapeutic application of electric fields and inspired the further development of hypnosis and psychotherapy.
Frequency therapy
Frequency therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses electromagnetic frequencies to promote health and treat disease. The idea behind this form of therapy is that every cell, organ and system in the body has a specific natural frequency