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Fibroma: causes, appearance and treatment options
What is a fibroma?
A fibroma is a benign proliferation of connective tissue. It is a slow cell proliferation that does not invade surrounding tissue and does not form metastases. Fibromas are usually surrounded by a capsule
Types of fibroma
Causes and risk factors
The exact causes of fibromas are not always known. Common factors are:
- Genetic predisposition
- Hormonal changes, e.g. during pregnancy
- Mechanical irritation from clothing or jewellery
Fibromas are usually asymptomatic, but can be irritated by friction or pressure. Aesthetically disturbing fibromas often occur in visible areas
Doctors usually diagnose fibromas through a clinical examination. In rare cases, a biopsy is performed to rule out other types of growths
Treatment options
- Surgical removal: Often performed in a minimally invasive manner under local anaesthetic.
- Laser treatment: Particularly effective for soft fibromas with minimal scarring.
- Cryotherapy (freezing): Fibroma is removed by extreme cold.
Prevention and care
Things to know
Fibromas are neither contagious nor malignant. They occur more frequently in adults and women and increase with age