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6 Posts in this encyclopedia categoryGallbladder and frequency therapy
Die Gallenblase ist ein kleines Organ unterhalb der Leber, das Gallenflüssigkeit speichert und diese zur Fettverdauung in den Dünndarm abgibt. Häufige Erkrankungen sind Gallensteine und Entzündungen, die mit Schmerzen und Verdauungsproblemen einhergehen können. Eine gesunde Ernährung und frühzeitige Behandlung fördern die Gallenblasengesundheit.
Galvani-Volt epoch
The Galvanic Volta Era marks a significant era in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, when Luigi Galvani and Alessandro Volta made important discoveries in the science of electricity. Their work laid the foundation for modern frequency therapy, which uses electrical and electromagnetic frequencies to treat health problems.
Galvanic currents
Galvanic currents are direct electrical currents that flow continuously and are used in frequency therapy to relieve pain, stimulate muscles, heal wounds and reduce inflammation. This method is based on the discoveries of Luigi Galvani and plays an important role in modern electromedicine.
Glandular tissue
Glandular tissue consists of specialised cells that produce and release substances such as hormones or enzymes. It is essential for metabolic regulation, digestion, protection and communication in the body. A conscious lifestyle supports the health of the glandular tissue.
Gram-positive cocci: Group I
Gram-positive cocci are spherical or elliptical bacteria with a thick peptidoglycan cell wall. They include important genera such as Staphylococcus, Streptococcus and Enterococcus, which are medically relevant and some of which are resistant to antibiotics.