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Lexicon: V
Vascular tissue
Vascular tissue: structure, functions and significance for the human body
What is vascular tissue?
Vascular tissue forms the basis of the circulatory system and consists of structures that form blood and lymph vessels . It is divided into arteries, veins and lymphatic vessels and consists of three main layers
- Intima: Inner layer of endothelial cells.
- Media: Middle layer of smooth muscle cells.
- Adventitia: Outer layer of connective tissue.
Functions of the vascular tissue
Vascular tissue performs essential functions for the human body
- Transport: Oxygen, nutrients and waste products are transported.
- Regulation: Control of blood pressure through vascular contractions.
- Immune function: Lymphatic vessels transport immune cells.
- Wound healing: Involved in blood clotting and healing processes.
Diseases of the vascular tissue
- Atherosclerosis: Narrowing of the arteries due to deposits.
- Varicose veins: Enlarged and weakened veins.
- Vasculitis: Inflammation of the blood vessels.
- Lymphoedema: Accumulation of fluid due to blocked lymph vessels.
How does vascular tissue stay healthy?
- Healthy diet: Rich in fruit, vegetables and omega-3 fatty acids.
- Regular exercise: Promotes blood circulation.
- Quit smoking: Protects the endothelial cells.
- Blood pressure monitoring: Regular monitoring helps to recognise problems at an early stage.
Worth knowing
The body's vascular network is around 100,000 kilometres long and plays a central role in homeostasis. Lymphatic vessels are essential for returning fluid and proteins to the blood