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Hair and frequency therapy
**Encyclopaedia entry: Hair**
Hair is a filamentous structure made of keratin that grows from hair follicles in the skin. They are a characteristic feature of mammals and fulfil various functions, including protection, temperature regulation and sensory perception.
- **Hair follicle:** The structure in the skin from which the hair grows. The follicle anchors the hair and is accompanied by a sebaceous gland that supplies the hair with oil.
- **Hair root:** The part of the hair that is anchored in the skin and is formed by the hair bulb.
- **Hair shaft:** The visible part of the hair that protrudes from the skin. It consists of three layers: the cuticle (outer layer), the cortex (middle layer) and the medulla (inner layer).
- **Protection:** Hair protects the skin from UV radiation and mechanical influences. Eyelashes and eyebrows protect the eyes from dirt and sweat.
- **Temperature regulation:** Head hair provides protection from cold and heat, while body hair helps to insulate some animals.
- **Sensory perception:** Hair can act as sensory organs by detecting movement and touch.
**Growth phases:**
Hair goes through three main phases of growth:
- **Anagen phase:** The growth phase, which can last several years.
- **Catagen phase:** A short transitional phase in which hair growth stops.
- **Telogenous phase:** The resting phase in which the hair finally falls out and is replaced by a new hair.
**Hair types:**
- **Terminal hair:** Thick, pigmented hair that grows on the head, face (in men), armpits and pubic area.
- **Vellus hair:** Fine, unpigmented hair that covers most of the body.
**Hair care:**
- **Washing:** Regular washing with shampoo to remove dirt and excess oil.
- **Conditioning:** Use conditioner to condition and detangle hair.
- **Styling:** Use tools and products to shape hair, avoiding excessive heat to prevent damage.
**Hair problems:**
- **Hair loss:** Can be caused by genetic factors, hormonal changes, stress or illness.
- **Dandruff:** Flaking of the scalp, often caused by dry skin or fungal infections.
- **Splitting:** Splitting of the ends of the hair, often caused by mechanical or chemical damage.
**Fun facts:**
- On average, people have around 100,000 to 150,000 hairs on their head.
- Hair colour is determined by the number of hairs on the head Hair colour is determined by the presence of melanin, with eumelanin responsible for brown and black tones and pheomelanin for red tones.
Research on hair focuses on treating hair loss, improving hair care products and understanding the genetic and biological mechanisms that control hair growth.