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Myoma: causes, symptoms and treatment options
What is a fibroid?
A fibroid is a benign tumour that develops from muscle cells. Myomas grow in or on the uterine wall and are categorised into types such as intramural, subserosal, submucosal and pedunculated, depending on their location
Causes and risk factors
- Hormonal influences: Oestrogen and progesterone promote fibroid growth.
- Genetics: A familial predisposition increases the risk.
- Age: Myomas occur most frequently between the ages of 30 and 50.
Many fibroids do not cause any symptoms, but can cause heavy menstrual bleeding, a feeling of pressure in the lower abdomen, pain and occasionally infertility
For diagnosis, gynaecological examinations, ultrasound, MRI or hysteroscopy are used to determine the size and location of the fibroids
Treatment options
- Drug therapy: Hormonal treatment to reduce the size of the fibroids.
- Surgical options: Myomectomy or hysterectomy for severe symptoms.
- Minimally invasive methods: Embolisation or HIFU (high-intensity focused ultrasound).
Prevention and care
- Regular gynaecological examinations.
- Healthy lifestyle with a balanced diet and stress reduction.
Worth knowing
Fibroids often occur in women of childbearing age, but often shrink after the menopause. Not all fibroids need to be treated