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Players in electromagnetic therapy
The following historical figures are mentioned in connection with electromagnetic therapy:
Royal Raymond Rifehe developed the Rife Frequency Generator, also known as the Rife Ray Machine, and claimed to be able to recognise and destroy diseases such as cancer by tuning into electrical impulses from diseased tissue.
Albert Abrams: He postulated that every disease has its own electromagnetic frequency and that doctors could destroy diseased or malignant cells by applying an electrical pulse corresponding to that specific frequency.
Georges Lakhovskyhe invented the Radio-Cellulo-Oscillator, which generated RF EMF at a frequency of 150 MHz and claimed that EMF supported "cell oscillations".
Hans Christian Oersted: He discovered and documented the interaction between electricity and magnetism in 1820.
Michael Faraday: He showed that a changing magnetic field generates an electric field.
James Clerk Maxwell: He unified the concepts of electricity and magnetism mathematically.
Hendrik Lorentz: He developed the theory of electromagnetics following the discovery of the electron as the carrier of electric charge.
These figures made significant contributions to the development and application of electromagnetic fields in medicine.