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Rife machine for cancer treatment
The Rife machine for cancer treatment works on the theory that every disease has a specific electromagnetic frequency. The machine emits low energy radio waves that are tuned to the frequency of the disease-causing micro-organisms. The main principles are:
Identification of the frequencyrife claimed that he could identify the specific electromagnetic frequencies of bacteria and viruses that cause disease.
Transmission of the frequencythe Rife machine transmits these specific frequencies into the patient's body. The machine generates radio waves at the same frequency as the pathogenic micro-organisms.
Destruction of the microorganismsthe transmission of the specific frequency is intended to destroy the pathogenic micro-organisms. Rife called this the "lethal oscillation rate", in which the microorganisms break and die as a result of the tuned radio waves.
Non-invasive methodtreatment with the Rife machine is non-invasive and is said to have no significant side effects.
It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to confirm the effectiveness of the Rife machine for cancer treatment. Most medical experts consider the Rife machine and similar devices to be unproven and potentially dangerous, especially when used in place of proven conventional therapies.