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Royal Rife frequency for cancer:
Royal Rife frequency for cancer: a revolutionary discovery
In the 1930s, Royal Rife made a remarkable discovery: two cancer viruses, which he named BX (Bacillus X) and BY (Bacillus Y). Originally, the frequencies were believed to be 11,780,000 Hz for BX and 11,430,000 Hz for BY. While these frequencies achieved some success, the results were not as good as hoped, especially when compared to the success rates Rife himself had achieved.
Another problem was that the notes for the BX virus, which were in Rife's own handwriting, were incorrect. In 2016, the British Rife Research Group published a paper explaining the errors. Due to technical limitations, Rife had recorded the wrong frequency for BX in his lab notes. The actual frequency that Royal Rife should have recorded was 12,830,000 Hz. This frequency was used in the clinic that Rife's colleagues set up in 1934, which achieved mostly successful results with cancer patients.
Dr Richard Loyd further refined this frequency and found that it not only worked very well, but also destroyed the BY virus.
Application of the frequencies
In order to use the frequencies effectively, it is important to consider some technical aspects. For example, sweeps should be used to detect mutations of stray pathogens. A sweep is sometimes noted as "sweep +/- 200", meaning that a sweep should be performed 200 Hz above and below the main signal. For higher numbers in the MHz range, a sweep +/- 200 with 0.1 Hz steps should be used. For lower numbers in the Hz range, a sweep +/- 100 with 0.01 Hz steps should be used.
If your device cannot reach the MHz range, you can use lower harmonics of the MHz numbers by dividing the frequency by 2 until the range is within the capacity of your device. The best waveform to use is a square wave, which contains harmonics that can be useful when targeting pathogens.
The discovery and refinement of Royal Rife frequencies offers a promising method for treating cancer. By applying and adjusting the frequencies correctly, remarkable results can be achieved. However, it remains important to continuously research and refine the methods to achieve the best possible results.