- Frequency systems
- NLS systems
- Tumours benign (benign)
- Tumour malignant (malignant)
- Polyps
- Cysts
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- Diseases and frequencies
- Neoplasia and frequency therapy
- Pathogens and frequency therapy
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- Hydrogen - frequency therapy
- Topics Electrosmog
- KE herbs blog
- Frequency therapy basis
- Biozapper
- Hunter 4025 - Meta Hunter
- Frequency therapy in Austria
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- Mycotherapy
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Software Download Hunter Systems
It happens that users of Hunter systems (Hunter 4025 or MetaHunter) lose the software on the USB stick because, despite all warnings (webinars etc.), they have not deactivated the anti-virus software before inserting the USB stick.
We will gladly send you this software again, no matter from which supplier this software has been purchased.
After you have ordered and paid, you will receive a request from us in which language you would like to receive the software and we will deliver this program as a download within 24 hours (Monday - Friday).