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- NLS systems
- Tumours benign (benign)
- Tumour malignant (malignant)
- Polyps
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Knowledge in frequency therapy
The use of frequency therapy has become increasingly relevant in recent years and is now being used successfully in various areas of application.
However, a thorough knowledge base is of great significance in order to be able to use this form of therapy effectively.
For this reason, we have compiled a large number of fascinating articles on the topic of frequency therapy for you in this blog.
Use this resource to expand your knowledge of frequency therapy and benefit from the insights of other experts.
For our members, we have also provided exclusive additional information for each article.
explore the realm of frequency therapy and let our articles inspire you.
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How frequencies influence matter
von: Eder Herbert
March 25, 2025
The relationship between frequencies and matter has been the subject of scientific research and epistemological discussions for centuries.

The emotional effects of music
von: Eder Herbert
March 20, 2025
Music is one of the oldest cultural forms of mankind and plays an important role in all cultures and societies. it can express joy, give courage or honour gods. But how does music affect our emotions?

Vega, Lyra and the frequencies of the cosmos
von: Eder Herbert
March 20, 2025
Cosmic music is a musical genre characterised by its hypnotic, repetitive sounds and experimental approach.

How do EMFs affect the differentiation of stem cells?
von: Eder Herbert
March 6, 2025
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) can influence the differentiation of stem cells in various ways:

How EMF influence the cell membranes
von: Eder Herbert
March 6, 2025
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) influence the cell membrane potentials in various ways

Which clinical studies support the use of PEMF?
von: Eder Herbert
March 6, 2025
Several clinical studies support the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) in various therapeutic applications.

Genotoxicity due to electromagnetic fields
von: Eder Herbert
January 16, 2025
These fields cover a broad frequency spectrum, from high-voltage power lines to household appliances

The dangers of electromagnetic fields for health
von: Eder Herbert
January 12, 2025
"EMFs can affect your health. Learn more about risks, a Ukrainian study and important precautions."

von: Eder Herbert
January 9, 2025
Autonosodes are a special form of homeopathic medicine that are made from the patient's own body material.