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Cysts and frequency therapy
A cyst is a fluid-filled, encapsulated cavity in the tissue and consists of tissue fluid, blood and a pulpy addition of sebum or pus.

Dentigerous cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 20, 2023
A dentigerous cyst is a fluid-filled sac that forms in the jawbone or soft tissue. The dentigerous cyst usually develops over an unerupted or partially erupted tooth.

Kidney cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 20, 2023
A renal cyst is a fluid-filled cavity inside or immediately adjacent to the kidney. If there are several kidney cysts, it is called a cystic kidney or polycystic kidney disease.

Neurenteric cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 20, 2023
A neurenteric cyst, or enterogenic cyst, is a malformation of the nerve canal, spinal column and spinal cord that is not associated with a loss of intelligence (non-syndromal).

Popliteal cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 20, 2023
A popliteal cyst, also called a Baker's cyst, is a cavity filled with synovial fluid in the popliteal fossa.

Solitary cysts
von: Eder Herbert
April 20, 2023
A solitary cyst is a fluid-filled tissue damage (lesion) of the bone, which is usually benign and can take on a form similar to a tumour.

Tracheal cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 20, 2023
A tracheal cyst is a rare congenital malformation that occurs during the differentiation of the foregut

Arachnoid cysts
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
An arachnoid cyst is located in the arachnoid, the spider tissue membrane and innermost enveloping layer of the brain

Baker cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
The Baker's cyst develops in the back of the knee. It is a bulge in the joint capsule of the knee joint.

Bile duct cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A bile duct cyst is a congenital dilatation of the common bile duct or the intrahepatic bile ducts.

Breast cysts
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
Breast cysts form as cavities filled with fluid in the glandular lobule of the breast.

Bronchogenic cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
Bronchogenic cysts are closed tissue cavities, which occur rather rarely and affect the bronchogenic tissue.

Choldedochal cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A cholledochal cyst describes the cystic dilatation of the (extrahepatic) bile ducts located outside the liver.

Corpus luteum cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A corpus luteum cyst is a cyst of the corpus luteum.

Dentition cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
The term dentition cyst is used to describe the bulging of a tooth sac over the milk teeth that have not yet erupted.

Dermoid cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A dermoid cyst is also popularly called a "lost twin" because it can often contain hair, different types of tissue, skin and even teeth.

Epidermoid cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
An epidermoid cyst develops in the dermis, under the surface of the skin, and is recognisable as a small bump

Mediastinal cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A mediastinal cyst is a condition of the interstitial space (mediastinum) in which cavities filled with mucus or fluid develop

Neurenteric cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A neurenteric cyst, or enterogenic cyst, is a malformation of the nerve canal, spinal column and spinal cord that is not associated with a loss of intelligence (non-syndromal)

Ovarian cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
An ovarian cyst, or ovarian cyst, is a cavity on the ovaries that can be filled with fluid or tissue.

Pericardial cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A pericardial cyst originates from the pericardium and is a benign tumour of the mediastinum.

Perineural cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A perineural cyst develops as a bulge filled with cerebrospinal fluid at the exit of the spinal canal and is a rather rare condition.

Pilonidal cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A pilonidal cyst, or sinus pilonidalis, is derived from the Latin word "pilus", which means hair.

Sebaceous gland cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A benign growth of the sebaceous gland is called a sebaceous gland cyst. Doctors also speak of an atheroma or a trichilemmal cyst.

Tarlov cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A Tarlov's cyst, also called a perineural cyst, is an outpouching of the nerve root of the spinal ganglia filled with cerebrospinal fluid

Thoracic cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A thoracic cyst is a fluid-filled cavity in the tissue of the chest (thorax).

Thymus cyst
von: Eder Herbert
April 17, 2023
A thymic cyst arises outside or inside the thymus gland (sweetbread), an important part of the immune system, which is located at the level of the pharynx and the anterior or posterior medistinum