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Frequency Therapy Basis

How frequencies influence matter
von: Eder Herbert
March 25, 2025
The relationship between frequencies and matter has been the subject of scientific research and epistemological discussions for centuries.

The emotional effects of music
von: Eder Herbert
March 20, 2025
Music is one of the oldest cultural forms of mankind and plays an important role in all cultures and societies. it can express joy, give courage or honour gods. But how does music affect our emotions?

Vega, Lyra and the frequencies of the cosmos
von: Eder Herbert
March 20, 2025
Cosmic music is a musical genre characterised by its hypnotic, repetitive sounds and experimental approach.

How do EMFs affect the differentiation of stem cells?
von: Eder Herbert
March 6, 2025
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) can influence the differentiation of stem cells in various ways:

How EMF influence the cell membranes
von: Eder Herbert
March 6, 2025
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) influence the cell membrane potentials in various ways

Which clinical studies support the use of PEMF?
von: Eder Herbert
March 6, 2025
Several clinical studies support the use of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) in various therapeutic applications.

von: Eder Herbert
January 9, 2025
Autonosodes are a special form of homeopathic medicine that are made from the patient's own body material.

Discover the mysterious world of Solfeggio frequencies
von: Eder Herbert
December 19, 2024
An often overlooked but fascinating way to achieve this is by utilising Solfeggio frequencies. But what exactly are Solfeggio frequencies, and why are they considered by so many to be a transformative force?

Frequency therapy: a critical view
von: Eder Herbert
December 17, 2024
The reviews of frequency therapy are crucial to gain a full understanding of its effectiveness and possible limitations

The power of magnetic fields: Protection from Huntington's disease?
von: Eder Herbert
November 29, 2024
The fascinating results of a study on the effect of extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields (ELF-EMF) in the fight against Huntington's disease

A look at bioelectromagnetics
von: Eder Herbert
November 28, 2024
Many health problems, such as cancer, degenerative or autoimmune diseases, are not caused by individual gene mutations, but by complex interactions between genes and environmental factors

Revolutionary frequency therapy
In this day and age, when people are increasingly looking for natural healing methods with no side effects, frequency therapy has established itself as a promising alternative to conventional treatment methods

The amazing story of bioelectromagnetic healing
von: Eder Herbert
November 28, 2024
Bioelectromagnetic healing (BEM) is experiencing a renaissance in the 21st century. Therapy devices based on high-voltage Tesla coils, which were thought to have been forgotten, promise remarkable health improvements.

The electromagnetic field of life: A new look at biology and medicine
von: Eder Herbert
November 28, 2024
Abraham R. Liboff (Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2004) argues that electromagnetic fields are not just side effects, but integral parts of life

The interaction of weak electromagnetic fields with cells
von: Eder Herbert
November 26, 2024
Since their discovery, bioelectricity, biomagnetism and bioelectromagnetism have been surrounded by an air of mystery and charlatanism

Hulda Clark and frequency therapy
von: Eder Herbert
October 30, 2024
Introduction to Dr Hulda Clark's methods Research and scientific background Possible applications in everyday life Experience reports and success stories Further resources and recommendations

Shoemaker frequencies and frequency therapy
von: Eder Herbert
October 30, 2024
Introduction to Schumann resonance Scientific background of Schumann resonance Applications and benefits of Schumann resonance Current research results on Schumann resonance

Dr Royal Raymond Rife and his frequency research
Introduction to the work of Dr Royal Raymond Rife Dr Rife and his groundbreaking discoveries How does Rife technology work? Areas of application of Rife research

Alan E. Baklayan: Pioneer of harmonic frequency therapy
Alan E. Baklayan: Pioneer of harmonic frequency therapy and his influence on alternative medicine

Bioelementological view
Existence on earth came about and unfolded through the effect of the sun's rays, the strongest natural source of electromagnetic vibrations. Lightning strikes also generate electromagnetic waves.

Primer Cube from David La Point versus Primer Cube from Z-Technology s.r.o.
As a pioneer in the field of frequency technology, as reported by other writers about my person, I do not want to deprive you of the current dispute between David La Point and Z-Technology s.r.o..

Dr Royal Rife and frequency therapy in relation to cancer
In the 1920s and 1930s, Rife devoted himself intensively to researching frequencies and their influence on pathogens.

The basis of science is information and not the exploration of a physical reality.
von: Eder Herbert
April 6, 2024
Anton Zeillinger is the 2022 Nobel Laureate in Physics

Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) and plasma
Inhibition of the proliferation of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) by frequency-specific oscillating pulsed electric fields (OPEF)

Can plasma generators eliminate spike proteins
von: Eder Herbert
March 3, 2024
Can frequency therapy eliminate spike proteins? How do you define proteins in general? A brief insight

Solfeggio frequencies
von: Eder Herbert
January 26, 2024
Solfeggio frequencies consist of a series of frequencies that play a role not only in music, but also in alternative healing and spiritual practice

Octaving of frequencies
von: Eder Herbert
January 16, 2024
In the world of acoustics and signal processing, octaving is a fascinating process that doubles or halves frequencies in order to shift them to another octave.

Plasma generators vs. zappers
von: Eder Herbert
January 15, 2024
In this blog post, we want to take an in-depth look at the differences between plasma generators and zappers, particularly with regard to frequency transmission to the body.

Ampere (amperage)
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
When electrical charge carriers move, this is called an electric current. The charge carriers can be ions in a liquid or gas or electrons moving freely in metals.

Anti-infective electromedicine
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The human organism is inhabited by a multitude of microorganisms.

Anti-inflammatory effects
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The anti-inflammatory effect is one of the properties of hydrogen that is extensively researched.

Antiapoptotic effect
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
In this article we will learn about another important benefit of hydrogen; it's anti-apoptotic effect. Before we go into detail, let's know what apoptosis means.

Binaural beatings
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Acoustic signals, such as tones or sounds, propagate mainly in the air via waves, the so-called sound waves. These sound waves can be represented in curves, which oscillate up and down like a wave motion

CAFL Liste
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Unser Frequenz-Handbuch mit über 1.500 Frequenzlisten können Sie bei uns auch als PDF-File zum Download um € 19,-- beziehen. Sie erhalten über 65 A4 Seiten voll mit Pathogenen und deren Frequenzen.

Cytoprotective properties of H2
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Hydrogen has numerous benefits and this is due to its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-apoptotic, anti-allergic and cytoprotective properties.

Dr Royal Raymond Rife
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Few have probably heard of the frequency therapy of Dr. Royal Raymond Rifes.

Dr. Hulda Clark Frequency List
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Throughout her life, the biologist and physiologist Dr Hulda Regehr Clark pursued the question of what actually makes people ill.

Dr. Robert Beck - Beck Zapper - Blood Zapper
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Dr. Robert C. Beck is the inventor of blood electrification, which was filed for a US patent by Steven Kaali and Peter Schwolsky.

Effect of frequency therapy
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The scientist Dr. Royal Raymond Rife is said to have discovered for the first time that pathogens such as viruses or bacteria also possess vibrations.

Electric eels and frequency therapy
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The origins of electromedicine, of which frequency therapy is a part, can be found with the ancient Egyptians.

Electrical operation
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Electro-operation is a method that is often used in molecular biology. The aim is to make the cell membrane temporarily permeable in order to introduce DNA into prokaryotic cells or eukaryotic cells.

Frequency list of metals according to Dr. Toshihiko Yayama
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The following list was researched by Dr Toshihiko Yayama in Japan. He used the F-Scan3 with reagents and patients with known metal poisoning.

Frequency therapy
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Currently, many frequency therapy devices are offered on the market and partly the advertising messages of the respective manufacturers of frequency therapy devices sound very promising.

Frequency therapy - regeneration based on electromagnetic oscillations
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
In a regeneration phase, recovery takes place. Regeneration leads to the restoration of the original physiological processes in our body.

Georges Lakhovsky's Multiwave Oscillator
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Nikola Tesla already knew that all being is vibrating energy and could also be transformed by the corresponding vibrations.

H2 for cardiovascular diseases
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Many diseases are caused by oxidative stress that persists over a long period of time. Oxidative stress can lead to severe tissue damage.

Herxheimer reaction
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The Herxheimer reaction is a reaction of the body to bacterial toxins that lasts up to several days

Information changes matter
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Fabrizio Benedetti is Professor of Physiology and Neuroscience at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Turin in Turin, Italy. He is known for his research on placebo and nocebo effects.

Matter or vibration
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Our thought experiment on being and appearances begins with the philosopher Plato. We then move on to Kant, Schopenhauer and Max Planck and address the following questions:

Microcurrent and frequency therapy
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Our human thinking usually assumes that "more is better than less". In biology, however, this actually applies only to a very limited extent and in some cases reverses its effect.

Schumann frequency 7.83 Hz
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Does a frequency exist that extends across the earth and can positively influence the human organism? In the meantime, this has even been scientifically proven.

The electrical design of biology
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
In the world of reduction biology, it has become a common assumption that all weighable properties of living matter are completely determined by DNA.

The Kaali Patent
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
The Kaali patent for blood electrification would probably still be lying dormant in the archives of the Patent Office today, had it not been for Dr Robert Beck.

Viruses and bacteria frequencies according to Dr. Csaba Vertesi
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
This frequency list of viruses and bacteria according to Dr. Csaba Vertesi is sorted by the frequency spectra from 287 kHz - 581 kHz.

What is and how does frequency therapy work
von: Eder Herbert
April 19, 2023
Frequency therapy is considered to be an alternative treatment method that brings amazing results not only for cancer, but also for a variety of other diseases.